
Too bad it’s in place of his head.

Bragging about your intellect is basically the same as bragging about your dick size.

If you have to do it, you’re over-compensating.

Small dick energy right here. 

All politics are identity politics.  Get a new boogey-man.

While we’re talking about being “selective”, show me where Kathy Griffin met with and encouraged supporters to storm the White House prior to the beheading video (that she lost her job because of).

I guess I’m being too “selective” when a congressman with actual power AND HAS ALREADY encouraged/endorsed violence and

Supporters of his own party HE WAS ACTUALLY ENCOURAGING.

Gosar is absolutely one of the “ringleaders” behind Jan 6th.. but apparently he’s learned that there are absolutely no consequences for him.

..and let’s not forget that this sack of shit was one of the Reps encouraging people to storm the Capitol and potentially DO THIS EXACT THING on January 6th.  It’s almost like he’s trying to tell us something...

Unfortunately that is very true

My only problem with this write up is the idea that any of this would be surprising. Anyone following the Sarver Suns would know that Sarver has proven himself to be the epitome of “scummy rich white man” time and time again.

Maybe this time there will actually be consequences?  God I hope so.

Thank you. First comment and it’s exactly what I was thinking of.

This article makes me feel old.  Being a kid in the 80s and early 90s was just one fucked up (in a good way) action figure after another. 

Surprised Remnant isn’t in there.  Especially if minecraft freaking dungeons gets honorable mention.

I’m glad to see this here. I’ve always liked the movie and it is the first one that comes to mind when anyone mentions films where critics/reviews seemed to almost universally misunderstand the movie they were reviewing. Or - in a few instances - seemed to understand superficially but still managed to not “get” it.


Ah, the reverse racism card. You sure resorted to that quickly.

This is such horseshit. Punching up is bigotry? The whole concept of “punching up” is because “up” is traditionally unassailable. You punch up to make people question the status quo, which seldom has ACTUAL negative consequences.

It’s almost like you missed

Beat me to it.

They’ve been very open about how they are having to move events around and at times drop/combine characters. The fact that Loial and Thom are (supposedly - according to IMDB) only in a single episode in the first season doesn’t mean they won’t be more prominent later. They are also supposedly pulling some things in

Uh, if you think Tam looks scrawny/sickly I think you might need to get your eyes checked.

If anything he looks more like the bad-ass that in the novels we don’t actually know him to be until much later in the story.  

Also: Orc?  Come on man, have you read the series?

All the while he never even registered that it could be a combination of both eyes and brain and - yes - maybe a relative aversion to something “different”.

Of course it also ignores the fact that the aversion to something “different” could also be that your original point (hard to see, maybe slightly slower reading

Was there an edit done? Because this response makes zero sense - don’t confuse the issue. The FDA didn’t say “eat no onions whatsoever”.

Beat me to it.  No need to offshore anything when sparsely populated Republican-controlled states are gleefully willing to launder your money.  Most likely while lining their own pockets.

Well.  It’s true there have been different romanization systems where ‘tu’ was used, but ‘tsu’ is clearly more correct, phonetically and is basically the standard now.