
@kaffeen: I hear AT&T customers get great service in the German farmland.

@Raven Riley: No no no, the iPad was the magical device. The iPhone is just...a phone.

@Amexicanidol: People are "worked up" over this because of Apple's reaction to the issue. It's kind of like how people got "worked up" over the reaction time to hurricane Katrina.

@MrDo: They're Apple. They can make anything they want and people will blindly go for it. In fact, I'll bet they could make a phone out of something really fragile that collects fingerprints like a crime scene investigator—something like glass. Then just for shits and giggles, they could give it some quirky features,

@trs: Images 1 and 2 show the right side of the device. Image 4 clearly shows the case covering the left side of the device. I see no buttons.

@berky93: Except this isn't fictional? Does Lucasfilm actually have a patent on any cylindrical object designed to emit a continuous stream of concentrated light powerful enough to create a path through solid objects? Unless WickedLasers puts out some ad saying "Have your own lightsaber! just like in Star Wars" I

@nhowar02: Even if iPhone comes out on Verizon, the Droid X would still be a better option if you're at all interested in anything media intensive. Furthermore, if you're going to wait until January, there will be another 3 phones on Verizon that are more powerful than both the iPhone 4 and Droid X.

I can see the avatars just fine. Is this only an issue in certain areas?

@Deanb: I just lol'd

@mecha2142: Yeah, iPhone pretty much took over and became synonymous with smartphone. But I do agree with you on not wanting white. I'd like it to come in a plethora of iPod Nano...

@cjlopez: It's neat. It's just like that build-a-tablet Giz was advertising not too long ago. Same size screen, faster processor and a kickstand.

@NyC88Rican: +1 I actually got another comment on it this morning.

@ddhboy: I'm not really sure what you're talking about. I have a GSX-R750 as my daily driver and I don't run into any problems with steering or field of vision. Motorcycles have much greater visibility than any car in general, and cars really only block your vision in heavy traffic. As for steering, I regularly shift

@TangoTL: If nothing else, the pilot takes over when there is a problem with autopilot. Having a physical pilot also plays a comforting psychological role with the flying public. If people can already hack cars with onstar, imagine what would happen if someone took remote control over a plane with malicious intent.

@Zool: I don't know much about phones, but I think the iPhone only works on certain frequencies, and I believe AT&T is the only carrier with those frequencies in the US. Therefore, even if you went to the UK and came back with the iPhone, you'd probably still be using AT&T's towers, and just paying the UK carrier.

@zross312: While I was in Best Buy waiting for mine, the reps kept quoting over 700k were pre-ordered across the non-corporate sprint retailers.

@Limbero: The EVO also has hardware support with it's Broadcom BCM4329