
"Trains get even more hype than telegraphs and for less reason. Consider Stephenson's Rocket. It can't even go as fast as a horse trotting! Now a mule-drawn canal barge- there's a universal transport system with which you could rebuild civilization."

Bill never took a stand for or against God. He merely explained what is and what has happened. This isn't about how things could have been created, it's a description of what we've actually observed.

Pluto is a Trans-Neptunian Object. Something we haven't explored yet, and that we believe may hold valuable information regarding the formation of the solar system. Pluto also has a unique orbital relationship with it's moon which is interesting. Also NASA does already have a probe visiting asteroids, as do other

And you know why they had to do this? Because:

My wife and I trimmed $150,000 from out wedding budget by getting married at a ren faire. we rented costumes that had us looking better than any $1,000,000 wedding and was married by a pastor that was able to do the ceremony in old english while dressed as a cardinal.

Yah, this blew my mind a bit at how expensive some people's weddings can be. It seems like such a waste... but that is just how I see things.

How I saved money on my wedding:

1. Invite only 12 people (close family).
2. Parents make food.
3. At parents' house.
4. Amateur (but very good!) officiant did it for free.
5. Nothing overly fancy and ultimately unneeded.

Still highlight of my life.


I was banned for my first comment for over a year. I was happy to just read comments and lurk. Gizmodo sent people to a convention and the writers thought it would be funny to turn off TVs during people's presentations using the special remote that sends blanket off codes for multiple devices. I explained in my