
Well, according to english constructs, the subject of the sentence is "Iron man", and it is modified by "Extraterrestrial Origin". The headline says nothing about meteorites or carving. I did read the article. It did not follow what was stated in the headline. Thus, misleading.

VOTE: Pilot G-2 10

Have you even heard carbon fiber instruments? Amazing sound! The cellos might be a stretch, but the Rainsong guitars are fabulous!

This is very misleading. The sculpture didn't come from space, the material it was made of did. This would be like saying the new Tesla Motors car was made in a star. The materials came from a star, all of earths materials did, not the freakin' car.

I set up a separate user account called "Guest" that has almost no privileges. It can go on the web, and has access to some software, but has no administrative capability, and cannot see my files. Works great.

How does dry land make rain, and remain dry?

I still want GPS in my iPod! The chips are so small now, why not? Please?!?

Happens here in Northern NM about once a year... I don't know why they have to poop in the car though...

Any word that any of these new features, x-ray etc, will be available on the older devices?

"The original Fire certainly cut lots of corners with no camera, no speakers, no mobile data. But all of those seem to be table stakes at this point. And if you're Amazon, do you make dozens of people fly out to LA just to watch you catch up? Or do you have something in your back pocket that'll WOW 'em."

Please come to my town. Please! I'll make you cookies.

Mine as well. Drives me nuts! Crashes constantly, and makes the fan run crazy!

Yep, forgot I even had that :/

Oh yeah, I see. We discuss this in my astro classes and I show the scenes from the episode. Cool idea, won't work is my opinion

Actually the inverse square law does not mean there is less energy, just that it spreads over a larger area for a given distance. If you are building a sphere around a sun, at any distance, you will still gather all of it's energy. Conservation of energy.

Exactly! Let's go to other solar systems, strip them of all their natural resources, bring them back to our star and build this stupid sphere thing around it to get all the energy we need to go to other stars.

I agree. The 1800 is a much much better car. I just love that the Swedes decided they needed to get in on fiberglass. Again, if they hadn't tried, may no P1800 would exist?

Volvo P1900 FTW!

Jesus, I think you got a little confused by terms. This is a star in the beginning stages of becoming a "planetary Nebula". This has nothing to do with the formation of planets, but it is the death throws of a medium sized star a lot like our sun. Your line "...meaning that there are no planets forming yet." is at the

"Caution blocks"? Theres no caution blocks! You wouldn't mark a freakin sink hole with a block, you'd put a GD cage around it and block off the freakin street!