
People! Water carries momentum, it has mass. Water will and does go uphill, not for long, but it does. Have you ever seen water go over boulders in a river? It goes up, and over. After that 20 foot plunge, the water would be carrying some pretty good speed and would go around the loop, especially a larger volume of

All I want is GPS... Maybe 3g connectivity would be nice also. So yeah, like a small iPad, but really, GPS is what it needs. And a toaster, a portable toaster for making sweet, beautiful toast.

Yes, it worked great. My beef is, people paid $15 for $30, but it looks like I'll have to honor a %50 discount because people couldn't be bothered to use their Groupon in the 4 months I allotted. Under the old rules, I would honor the $15 they paid towards $15 at my place, but now I have to honor $30, or am I reading

The Groupon I did for my business expired March 25th, for my ski area. So, if someone want's a lesson this July I have to honor it? There is a clause on mine that says it is always honored for the value paid. So if they bout $30 for $15, I have to honor the $15. I am willing to do that, but why should I have to honor

But it still is not really in the spirit of the argument.

My wife's aunt is in Night of the Lepus. Francesca Jarvis, she plays the switchboard operator, in 1972? She tells the story of being in full gore makeup and using the pay phone out by the highway to call her husband to tell him when she would be done with filming. A car comes to a screeching halt, the driver jumps out

Um, excuse me...

All part of the plan...

Yep, Orrery.


Why do people always say "desert island"? If it's a desert island all it has is effing sand! You'll need to be able to eat and drink sand if you get lost on a desert island. It is deserted island, not desert. This would be a great tool on one of them jobbers. Now I suppose you could have a deserted desert island, and

The global surveyor mentioned in the article has ground penetrating radar. It saw the tell tale reflected signals that indicate ice. The Mars Express saw landforms that look like the result of glacial movement just like here on earth. The Phoenix lander found CO2 just under the surface, and water vapor frost form

They fit wheels 20" and over...

I want an iPhone without the phone, like an iPod sized iPad. GPS, 3G etc. Kinda awkward to take a full iPad on a boat trip or a climb, but the iPod fits the bill, and a small pocket.

So you can use it with augmented reality and as a camera to have the screen be a viewfinder

Seeing is believing. Not sure if they have the math to back this up, but all the math so far says we have found all the big stuff. It is possible.

@nightsky: Also, that kid has one hell of a steel knife or machete.

Wait. Isn't that a plastic or metal white bowl in the foreground of the first picture? Maybe they found it, but they could also have seen other people before.