Nick Slaughter

Ronson recently put out a free kindle book follow-up called "The Elephant in the Room" which follows up on his and Jones' relationship, along with some good stuff about him meeting Glenn Beck and stuff.

or maybe he doesn't have capillaries cause he's a lizard

You don't think he can do both at the same time? Stamina!!

yeah i was kinda disappointed Eric Andre didn't bring out his A-game (or even some Bird Up?ing) while at the GOP convention. Jones actually mistook him for Trevor Noah when he called him "Daily Show Guy", which I think more people should know.

"I'll be back."
"Thought you might, Franco… thought you might."

so they still get one-upped by Vincent Cassel?

I'm pretty sure any picture of Bon Jovi from 1962 is a fake unless he's a child in it

Sick Boy's clearly wearing a good wig, I remember Miller was balding by the time he was on "Eli Stone"

i don't think so, otherwise she'd be a Trump surrogate on tv every night

she had a masectomy after the breast cancer, you ghoul

Ooooh 'member Begbie? 'Member the worst toilet in Scotland? I 'member the ceiling baby!

son, go rewatch Flatliners and then you can undelete your account

Adam Baldwin would out-tweet they asses in a matter of seconds

"Osbama Bin-Laden"??

His name was actually "Aw Hell No"

I thought it was for his role as the wacky dad in "Malcolm X"?

i don't remember him ranting about mercury, but i recall him being anti-flu vax but he doesn't think vaccines cause autism. as for GMO's, i thought he was for GMO labeling but let's be honest, GMO hysteria is bs.

i'm old enough to remember when this happened and everyone was buzzing about how Dean Cain should play Cunanan… now's his chance! Get him on the phone now, Murphy!

That's some Nathan Wielder-style meta humor

okay so 1) the music for "Montague" ends with the "We'll be right back" music from "The Eric Andre Show". Not sure if that's a popular public domain song or what. 2) "Nathan Wielder"? Abso-lutely!