
Its funny untill you figure out that you have sent everyone who disagrees with you to stormfront and have created a new white nationalist problem. I guess thats better than hearing different opinions

Why? Maybe they dont like BLM but liked that woman.

So salty at winning everything, and Trump come in guns blazing fulfilling promises. Yeah.

How are we supposed to protect Europe and be its army otherwise? Its not like they have any plans of increasing their military spending to shoulder some of the burden

The best part was the promises to not turn this into a purely political shitshow. WHOOOOOOPPPSSS

I think they are promoting this shit to make a quick buck. Kind of like NMS. Promote promote promote to get people to check out wtf it is, and then when they say its shit they can say “hey we didnt make this game we were just giving these guys a platform”

At least this one was cheap. Remember No Mans Sky?

What original claim, that this guy isnt commiting any crimes? I mean, i dont really need sources for that, he isnt commiting any crimes.

You are still the only one deflecting and being incapable of answering a simple question.

Speaing of deflecting still waiting on an answer to if you think its right to punch muslims in the face as many people commit acts of violence for islam. I can cite you sources for that if you want.

Its not deflecting at all. The burden on proof is on the person making the accusations of something, not to disprove it. You dont go to court to prove you are innocent, they must prove your guilt. Thats how it works. Its nothing crazy.

Btw why cant you answer my question about Islam? How many muslim people commit crimes? Should we start punching people for being muslim?

What? Thats not how citing sources works. You dont cite sources of people NOT doing anything, you cite them of people DOING things. Unless you can cite sources of this guy commiting crimes then he nor anyone else should be assaulted for speaking their beliefs.


Lol i wouldnt be led anywhere by anyone but ok. If you are so scared of that invest in firearms, they are a good defensive weapon.

How many muslims commit violent crimes? Should peoples right to practice islam and talk about their beliefs be met with getting decked in the face also? Ok Trump.

Lol i also got unstarred. Isnt it great how people that most likely see themselves as progressive instantly try to hide and censor anything that disagrees with them. Surely ignoring any and all other viewpoints to your own is the way to be right!

I figured these sort of people would have learned SOMETHING with the past

Not even. You either agree with them or are a Nazi.

And puts him on the moral lowground as a violent criminal has actually committed an act of violence as opposed to just endorsing it.

Its actually pure equivalency. None of the things you mentioned are a crime, nor are him actively assaulting someone for expressing their beliefs in an interview.

Do you think BLM people shouting for cops to be killed should also get decked in the mouth? I dont.

They are the worst. But unless you have something to back up your claim your point is moot.