on a big deck, it’s actually a gradual turn. i did it on a cruiser, and it was much more rapid
on a big deck, it’s actually a gradual turn. i did it on a cruiser, and it was much more rapid
officially, speed is “in excess of 30 knots.” i’ve heard rumors of 35 or 40, but nothing will be confirmed until they are all retired and declassified.
Good ‘ol USS Last ship. I precommed her, and i was onboard for that. it was a lot of fun.
Justice Antonin Scalia has not directly commented on Kim Davis...
nope, but he would have pulled him over to check out the skyline, and let him go with a warning.
i drove my car with only one bolt in the lisence plate for years with no problems.....in Virginia, no less.
You should check out Letho’s article on fighting tickets without an attorney. i bet you could have gotten it tossed.
i’ve met some cool car-guy cops. shame you didn’t get stopped by one of them.
This topic can be summed up by simply saying
“using a turbine engine was quite a strange idea back in 1967 and 68”
Even though he did this against my Hometown Tribe,
If this is sucessful, can we please get an article about it?
Friends With Benefits.
sounds like you need a FWB or a date.
Good Luck, shipmate.
Good Guy Letho.
My father in law is a very conservative, very devout catholic (abortion is murder, no meat on Fridays year round, etc) I am the polar opposite, an athiest democrat. we’ve had friendly debates before, and we both just stopped bringing it up. it makes everything easier.
You’re making that face again
Dalek’s have to be featured in every season, or the BBC loses the rights to them.