
“And if women’s rights aren’t taken seriously you can never have a good society.”

so... that stat shows ... evangelic women dominate and are slightly more irrational than non-evangelicals are sensible?

As someone not even from the States, I really struggle to understand how abortion can be so much more important that every thing else. If you objectively look at the issues that lead to a better society, abortion (or lack thereof) is so far down the list, yet it dominates American politics so much.

Tomlin sure has a lot of kethching up to do ...

lol you are an idiot... and of course your racist mind misses the point!

Not that I agree with the guy that says this one is different but... using JLo as an example seems rather silly. JLo is a 1 % of upper 40 year olds and quite simply a 0.00000001% of 40 year old wardrobe stylists.

Fair enough. although, i would say that the grind of 80s and 90s NBA is far worse than it is today. Think of how many times people were hacked to floor back then... or just hacked in general etc.

Did Gronk argue for leniency by citing the behavior of others players that have nothing to do with his foul conduct?

I love how you defend what he did then say that you arent! good job!

Lebron is a monster and should def get the MVP... should get it almost every year tbh.

Excellent callback! somehow Russia managed to pull the weakest team in each pot ... yes its not rigged at all!

Oh I thought you were question of how much was sent out to us the public so I am speaking for myself and not the players that stayed behind.

not only that You are buying the players 1st amendment right for an amount that is almost a rounding error that you are going to write off anyway

+1 brilliant post... it’s a shame you wasted it on an idiot!

Yes you are right, but you also miss the point regarding the aim of protesting in the first place. The NFL deciding to pay towards causes (and then write it off) is surely is somehow off in the first place

it’s over 7 years so divide that by 7 to have your real number!

No reasonable amount of money is enough. Some people are using their rights to free speach to protest and injustice in the country and the league is offering to pay money towards some causes for them to stop?

Kaep wanted the discussion about the treatment of certain people by certain other people to continue until that

Let me preface this with the fact that I am not trying to bash on women in any way and I love watching womens sports. I only piped up to point out that the idea that women are not seriously disadvantage when it comes to physical competition is just ...wrong, to put it mildly.

That is not entirely true. F1 is quite physically demanding and reflexes play an important part in it (and men have a huge advantage particularly when dehydrated)... agreed that the differences are somewhat negated but there are still significant advantages that men hold over women.