
This is a story of how one of the worst days of my life ended up reaffirming my faith in strangers and in the human race in general.

Sounds like a subject for a game to me. Worst band to have burst into song on your flight? And no picking Nickelback or Creed, because duh.

I'm easily the worst in the class every time I show up, but I'm learning.

There should be a warning, "still contains Adam Levine, like a lot of Adam Levine"

I worked at the Gap when I was a freshman in college and during Black Friday I was at the store, finishing up the window displays and was like five minutes from being done and we opened at 6AM and these parents were shopping with their kid. They took her out of the stroller because she was being squirmy and wanted to

When I worked as a cashier customers like that were a mixed bag, because it's fun when you have time to deal with it but when you have shit to do and grandpa is talking your ear off, it sucks. I had many times when I knew the conversation with me was the only one that person would have with another human all day, so

It just seems like a really specific way to be anti-Semitic. "I know how I'll show those Joos! I'll passive-aggressive them to death!"

Yep, it's like the facebook assholes who howl about halal meats being offered at Costco.

Here's my scary as fuck McDonald's story.

I was on a road trip and had been driving all night, and pulled in at about 5 am on a Sunday to a location in a suburban strip mall. Placed my order, and pulled up to the take out window.

I don't know what had taken place just before I got there, but the manager (I assume he

The guy asking for the bacon sandwich in a kosher bakery week after week is a raging anti-semite and an incredible asshole. He knows what he's doing and thinks he's making some sort of stupid point.

My office is in a very old brick building that used to be a movie theater in the 1920s. The acoustics are great. Sometimes, after most of my cow-orkers have gone for the day and the place is quiet, I will guzzle a diet coke and let loose with a loud, reverberating belch.

I am not otherwise OCD but when I buy Froot Loops (not very often) I have to make sure I have one and only one of each color/flavor on every spoonful. I will go to great lengths to make this happen. Also, I feel like it's cheating if I use any method to get the colors/flavors on my spoon besides just my spoon. It's a

2 main ones:




I actually really love stories like this since one, we've probably all been that person once in our careers, and they're also great examples to pass along to the fresh meat.

I got the "you ain't from around here, are ya?" question from someone in a restaurant in Florida. They said "I could tell by your haircut." My haircut was a totally regular chin-length bob–not died, not shaved, not a mohawk, not anything out of the ordinary. That left me scratching my head.

I think we should treat periods like we treat other body functions that happen down there like peeing and pooping.

I would like to see the experience of having periods represented more in films. It is a part of the cis-female experience, and if it were normalized in film, then I think there would be less shame around it. I don't know that this means showing period sex though. . .