
As a nearly middle aged white guy I can tell you old white guys are pretty much the worst people on the planet. It's really strange at times to be in their presence when they assume they can "really speak their mind in like minded company" (in essence surrounded by other white dudes). The entitlement and privilege

State senators are a whole other level of wackjobs. I bet attending a state senate meeting is a lot like reading the comments under a Youtube video, but in real life.

I don't think that's true about Weiner, actually, at all. I would put her in an entirely different category of writing than, say, Sophie Kinsella, whose novels rely on tropes and stereotypes to push through retreads of old plots and stories. While I wouldn't say she's my favourite author, I do think she's a

As a Jew, fuck all these people. Fuck them right up their self-righteous, ignorant asses. With a hot fire poker. That has barbs on it. Twice. No, three times. At least.

I read a ton of his work, but I'm pretty sure that that one is in "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman." I could be mistaken. I swear though, it's in one of this books. I'd have to go dig through the library and see if I can even find my copy... lemme see.

Me! I hate my new job :( I'd rather be hit in the head repeatedly with a basketball than go back to work tomorrow.

Well, who else had a shit week?

To all the people asking how the teachers can differently grade boys and girls for the same math problems...

Ha ha yes- clear heels are normal in Florida for the most part! However, this particular neighborhood was very ritzy and upscale. So not so many clear heels there.

The lesson is, you can judge somebody's character based upon how they treat waitresses and cab drivers.

Why don't you just admit you were wrong and you overreacted?


I live in New York City - that's a normal price for OJ here.

You're doing great. Keep being awesome.

As a server, I'll agree she deserved a not awesome tip, because she should have just listened to you right away, even if (and I believe you, not her) you were actually wrong, not her. When I take the blame even when I know the customer was wrong, it ALWAYS goes smoother. ALWAYS.

Okay "Brandon" except I never called all Midwesterners cheap or ignorant. All I said was a few Midwestern dog show runners probably also sell monogrammed thermoses. I stand by that.

You don't seriously think that's all I'm calling you out on here.

Did you check the menu?

The cheap tip thing baffles me. My husband and I were at a bar we frequent in Orlando the other day, and this group of people who had had several rounds of margaritas and beers without a single complaint get up to leave, and as they do, the guy who had paid beams at the bartender, taps the bar, and goes, "That's for

He turns to his bright-eyed eight year old, sitting but two feet from me, and says, "You see son? This is why you should stay in school."(FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU)