Yea when I saw this article I was like what the hell? Isnt this already known
Yea when I saw this article I was like what the hell? Isnt this already known
What do you expect? Its mainstream "rap". Its only about their image. Probably doesnt even write any of his songs.
Its beginning to be like McDonalds for me. In my head I really want it, but once I get it, I forget what I liked about and swear Im not gonna eat it again.... Until a week later.
Id rather pay small business scam, than big business (big pharma) scam.
I aint saying she a gold digger....
Denver is not gonna make the playoffs next year, and Von Miller will get suspended at least once, if he isnt already.
I dunno. It is hard for me to hate on Lolo for some reason.
I posted a bad burn online once because im too damn stubborn to go to the hospital. I figured the reactions i got would be the judge.
My guess for person that knew the most people would be a barber. Or some sort of job like that. Im not a barber shop kinda guy but they almost always know anyone in town.
You have no idea what im talking about, yet i am wrong? That makes total sense ding dong.
A creep is a creep.
Hahahaha says the ding dong that has to insult in every one of their comments. Do yourself a favor and do a little research, open your eyes ding dong.
This is probably the first article in adequate man that was really unnecessary.
Blah blah blah you are a drone, ding dong.
Sorry ding dong. i have my own opinion. Theres an old saying "dont believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see"
Im not sexist dummy.
Your welcome, miss.
I'm not offended by the photo, but sometimes I don't want to catch a chub at the store.
I understand these players dont like talking to the media. It will come around to bite them in the ass though when lower tier players are friendlier with the media and start taking a piece of the pie.
Bahahaha thats a good one +1