
It works for editors

I have been hoping for something like that since hold the door’ — the way you lay that out .... I think i’d love that.

It’s a neat hat-trick for GOT to make me go from “YES! She’s getting the thing she wanted most! She deserves it!” to “OH NO” in like a half a second.

Wow, the dealership took responsibility. I did not see that coming.

Well, we know who the Boomer is.

You took an awful lot of words to say “I’m not an engineer and this doesn’t fascinate me, so we shouldn’t spend time one this”

P.S. If you are in an engineering field, kindly stop. Brute force is not how humans became the top of the food chain and it certainly won’t be the basis for us to continue to progress.

Very generally speaking, yes it can. Whether that will be the conclusion in this case I don’t know; maybe it matters that these are topical one-line jokes and not more complex creations, maybe Twitter’s terms of service will matter. (Also I’m not a lawyer.) But very generally speaking, if you created something

I mean, if they were going for “murderous street sweeper,” then they nailed it. 

Perhaps the elimination of whichever system enabled Bezos to amass a fortune of more than $100 billion by treating his workforce like garbage

Ha! Rear view mirror was gone long ago!

Well Done.

-a miata of any year (except the one year you did buy, like an idiot)

Yeah, I love that a car manufacturer is making another performance version of one of their cars but it’s actually cheaper than their standard performance versions, literally what people complain there isn’t enough of, and so many people are trying to shit on it.

This is a good comment.

No, not that one.

I would love to see tomorrow’s COTD be this comment on today’s COTD because this C certainly made my D.

I live in Portland, and I travel to Seattle pretty frequently, so I totally get what you’re saying. Traffic is complete ass about 95% of the time in Seattle, and about 80% of the time down here. Tough to have much fun with that V8 when you’re just sitting in traffic most of the time. 

Sadly my diesel wagon was black so i burn my Jalopy card.

this is jalopnik. Some off them have some screws loose