
Weren’t there gay panic jokes in the original? Or at least jokes that were meant to be funny because being gay was hilarious to people in the 80's?

Or they could have set it in the 80's or 90's, or if they wanted to get really crazy set it back in the 60's and play up the Badlands influences even more, I’d watch “Comedy Badlands but in a highschool” (Which the original Heathers basically was, but I want poodle skirts!)

Anchorman 2 had some really great stuff in it, sure it’s nowhere near as good as the first one, but it’s not nearly as bad a follow up as the other ones you mentioned (That Dumb and Dumber movie made me want to die just so the pain would stop it was so unbearably unfunny, mean spirited and just plain sad)

Never been a big fan of them, but I really like the Landfill joke from Beerfest (the one where he dies and is replaced by his previously unmentioned identical twin brother, who is inexplicably also called Landfill)

Kristen Bell dressed as a 60's Secretary is a fetish I didn’t know I had until I saw that header picture

So we’re trying to climb the Murderhorn? Good thing I stocked up on Powersauce bars.

While I had yet to watch JCVJ it was very high up on my “To Watch” list, and even though I have yet to check it out, I loved that a show with such a ridiculous premise existed. We don’t have enough weirdo high-concept shows these days, and the television landscape was better for having a show with as bizarre a premise


I think we’re currently at peak Fuck You! It’s January! What with the current setting of The Fuck You! Clock being set to “Forever” by the worlds top fuckyoulogists, the worst setting it’s been at since the early 90's.

I haven’t been this offended by racism against people of supernatural origins (POSO (TM)) since the movie Dog Soldiers. All of my Lycanthropic friends were outright hurt by such a blatant use of a slur for their people right in the title! Oh, and don’t get me started on what my vampire neighbors thought of Twilight.

It’s not like this is news to a lot of fans, anybody could have learned that the show dropped in quality after Hillenberg left as showrunner to work on the first movie with a quick trip to wikipedia.

Would that it were so simple

But without that scene we don’t have “It Belongs in a Museum!” or the great transition to an adult Indy getting punched in the face.

I refuse to believe that Opie tweets

My streak has just kept right on going since Sith

That’s a really good point actually, and that could work really, really well. The fact they had Lord and Miller attached originally and now Howard tells me they aren’t going that route and Han will just be a lovable scamp. The reason people were always so upset about the Greedo shooting first change was that it

Lighten up, Francis.

I hope David Harbour is doing ok, he seems bored. Somebody give the man something to do! Come on Hollywood!

Are you saying I’m not Ryan Gosling?

So...O’Brien? I knew it! I never trusted that lanky Irish bastard!