
People kept bringing it up in other comment sections, so I looked up the allegations that I hadn’t been aware of before now

So we probably shouldn’t be expecting a Han Solo movie in which he’s a complete bastard who has some good in him under the surface? Him becoming a lovable hero was kind of his entire arc in the original trilogy, but short of them pulling a genuine surprise in the way Rogue One gleefully murdered its entire cast I

The only people who give a shit about infidelity are Republicans, who arguably commit infidelity the most often, I mean, Arnold’s a Republican. So to answer your question...I have no idea what his point is

I’m not sure what that means, but I find it hilarious

The Barbarian or O’Brien?

Could you imagine that concept but with the Rock? That could be amazing. Put Lord and Miller in charge of it and you’ve got gold Jerry! Gold!

That joke was exactly the same in English, the movie is very meta, and some of the best parts are the kid trying to convince Arnold he exists within a movie. People don’t give the script written by Shane Black enough credit, I appreciate that not only does it have a bunch of gags but also that it actually questions

One does not simply hate The Last Action Hero

No, it’s their fucking story, and they’re allowed to deal with it however they’re comfortable with dealing with it.

I’m not gonna argue that the element of a power imbalance hasn’t led to horrible things (the story about Dushku’s assault very much involved a power imbalance) but I try not to be too quick to judge even in the case of infidelity if the affair occurred between two consenting adults, obviously if it wrecks their

I mean, it’s not like he was taking a baseball bat to her ribs in front of everyone. He very well could have been sinister enough to do it simply by loosening her support harness just a little bit, with everyone concluding it was just a freak accident. Kramer had been a veteran stunt coordinator for years at that

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

My reading of that situation was that it was all consensual and he supported her and the child financially along with the money he was paying her for her maid work. Not saying it couldn’t have been a skeevy power imbalance thing, it just seems odd that at the time (when a powerful man basically could get away with

Last Action Hero is a great movie! How dare you sir!


Yeah, it sounds like Arnold is a creep from stuff I’ve been seeing around the internet after some googling. Although it could be argued that even creeps like Arnold draw the line at dry humping a 12 year old girl, similar to how even in prisons the worst thing you could possibly be is someone who harmed children.

Yeah, okay, that’s terrible.

I saw someone else bring that up and I’m curious if it was something other than the highly publicized infidelity with his longtime maid. Which was pretty shitty, but was between two consenting adults, and Arnold did support the mother and child financially. I think there were worse ways to handle something like that

“What happened to Joel?”

That scene where they feed a deer in that stupid opening montage is high camp