
Though thinking about it, during development they’re much more likely to be sending clips of errors and problems to each other than flawless gameplay. So that will skew things quite heavily.

I dunno, the cops outside the diner weren’t very impressive. Hopefully an old build.

He’s a right silly sausage.

Saw on another comment that the game stuck to the ceiling was added as an Easter egg to a later plants vs zombies game, which I thought was pretty cool.

I ungreyed a comment below from a couple of years back that shows they put this into one of the PvZ games as an Easter-egg!


Which film was that?

Anyone got a mirror? Can’t see the images.

It’s nuts how many folk seem to think being “desperate” marks someone out as deserving of manipulation. Like it’s a sin that designates them open-season.

Yeah great execution.

So if the story is a Bonnie and Clyde setup they’re essentially making a gay-main-characters mod?

Blood island was my favourite too! I got proper-stuck on a puzzle there and was wandering around for absolutely ages, but didn’t mind because of the locale.

Agreed. Especially the amazing atmosphere on some of those night-time scenes. Was really disappointed when they went to 3d for the next ones.

The “we are lifting them up” phrasing is kinda weird to me. Like it’s designed to give the impression they’re actually doing something tangible. Compared to the usual phrasing which is more of a “we are thinking of them and hoping for them” kind of deal.

Yep, seen racists on reddit using “jogger” as a ban-avoiding stand-in for black people.

By the username I don’t think they read much.

Negan’s said multiple times over the last few seasons he doesn’t regret how he did things. Not surprising that he’s still a cockbag.

My memory was that the girls were still alive while impregnated and amputated, and Maggie had to put them down. Might have misheard though.

Had completely forgotten that World Beyond was a thing that existed. Did it turn out to be any good?

Why is telecommuting not an option?