
I don’t know how it plays out in reality (I agree that I have seen plenty of differently shaped people in authority), I’m just talking about the theory. Which would say that the manager who observed both the candidates in action would still be subconsciously influenced by their physical form.
Kinda like internalized

These kind of hardline dealbreakers always weird me out a bit. Like, what happens if you’re in an accident and have X characteristic reduced a bit? Instant divorce? Very unlikely in reality, but it’s still not a nice thought that this tiny change could have held you apart.

I think you’re on the money here about insecurity. In my experience it’s always guys in the average-to-slightly-tall range who really want to bring up height unprompted (and they’re always bad-mediocre in terms of romance/career too). I’ve never heard a properly tall guy bring up Tom Cruise’s stature out of the blue,

Well afaik it’s a more subconscious thing rather than “taking note” of their height. So if two cashiers are applying to be supervisor the owner will (supposedly) perceive the taller one as more authoritative, and more likely give it to him/her. Something like that.

Oh shit, totally didn’t clock him without the voice, thanks.

Wait, who did Ken play? Missed that one.

Sheep-goats? I don’t know why but that possibility gives me the creeps. Ain’t natural...


Winter is coming, and is presumed to last a long time due to the long summer. Holing up in the north may not be viable with dragons to feed,

afaik they generally want to punish society, not help it.

Sorry to hear that sleepyrainbows, what a bastard. Glad you dodged that bullet, and hope you’re doing alright.

Ok, so the husband pays child support and the wife get’s custody in this situation you’re describing. The child support replaces the costs the dad was paying towards his kids before, it’s not like he wasn’t previously spending tons on maintaining them (hopefully he was anyway). And the costs of the wife in a

Is this from a meme?

I recently saw an ad for an animal charity group. The group was for rescuing only one specific breed of homeless dogs in my town.

Did anyone actually see it apart from Bran? He’s not exactly forthcoming.

It’s probably fine, but “far fewer” sounds better to my ears.

Apparently the NZ shooter left the first scene because he panicked when someone smashed his car window.

Can you give a quick synopsis of your results? What would you do differently with today’s tech?

I like how the umpire threatens to kick the runner while he;s down.