
My guess is Joe gets rescued from certain death in a Gestapo prison next season by John Smith, who has an inchoate plan to use his newfound try to create a "kinder, gentler" Nazi regime in America that won't try to nuke cities when things don't go their way. That's a plan Joe could get onboard with and maybe become a

You think this is bad, try The OA.

Juliana' sister from this reality had to die for the alt-Trudy to wander into this reality or be sucked in by the vacuum created by Trudy's death or however it works. Sure, it could be the opposite, but why would that be even remotely interesting?

I just about fell down laughing at how wussy Joe was. He couldn't even attempt to find a gun and shoot insane daddykins in the head? Because at that point, that was the right reaction.

Alt-universe disco for me!

That's just a lucky guess!

My hope: Jules evolves into a serious kickass Resistance fighter while John Smith rescues Joe from the Gestapo and shapes him into a good little Nazi. The next time our lovebirds meet, they try to kill each other. Far better than their boring romance.

John Smith rescues Joe from the Gestapo to become a substitute for Thomas (how else are they going to keep Joe in the show since he should be dead very soon otherwise?) and tries to shape him into a good little Nazi. At long last, Joe starts to develop an actual humanoid personality.

And exactly where are you getting any of this from, other than your own anus?

Did you just say that Japanese internment camps were "little different" from Nazi death camps? Not even sure how to respond to something that stupid.

Well it does make a difference. In TV a showrunner is basically like a director in the movies. There are TV directors but they hardly have the same clout. When showrunners change, it matters. Just ask all us Trekkies how we felt when Bryan Fuller dropped out as the showrunner for the upcoming Star Trek series.

To summarize the season: big improvement over the last, still has problems.

So that's actually in the books? Wow.

The baby is stealing this show.

But she inspired her husband to invent the Prince Albert! isn't that interesting? Don't tell me they left the best part on the cutting room floor!?!

Queen Victoria & Werewolves! Now suddenly I'm interested in this show…

If we're talking about bad shows we like for no good reason, check out The OA on Netflix. Just hang on till the end of episode 3. If you don't immediately want to see what happens next, you gave it your best shot. Go in peace.

I always hear Piper Laurie's voice saying that. On an hourly basis, sometimes.

Aren't we already there?

This show was a real surprise for me in S1. I didn't expect it to be so compelling and well-done on a not-too-massive-looking budget. They manage to do a lot with just some judiciously-used CGI (drones and whatnot).