
I learned a long time ago to side-eye anything that people say is bad and then look up the specifics.

Also pretty rare. You would have to be feeding a newborn honey directly for them to get it.

Very good point.


How in the hell...

If I understood that, I’d still have three friends I once knew.

Oh, they do. Buddha wouldn’t approve of many of his followers any more than Christ would approve of many Christians.

See how these monks act? This is not how you respond to women talking about sexual health!

Same here. I wish I could give her a hug for this.


The second paragraph isn’t wrong at all. Most of the people I talk to actually do support women not being pressured to eat whatever do so not because they support women’s rights, but because they’re anti-science. That’s why they oppose abortion. And vaccines. Because they oppose science itself, and medicine comes from

Oh dear all that is holy, YES!!!

The same stance was used by the Northern States earlier when they threatened secession over a different issue. And by the fact people used “the United States are” in language prior to the war and “the United States is” after.

Being considered a public health issue isn’t about scientific studies. It’s about government or societal regulation.

That’s one issue that is complicated in American history.

Good! Got a star from me for that! I wish there were more like you!

Neither was my sausage breakfast every morning. But the way people reacted, you would think I was sacrificing the fetus to Satan or something.

They way some people are treating it? Worse. Makes me facepalm.


Honey. Except for botulism in babies and diabetes, honey has been linked to absolutely NOTHING.