Neon Fuckninja

Also, that’s how it went in Ultimat Spider-Man cartoon.


2017: the year that Marvel made me CRY FOREVER over Complicated Dads.

“...We see him messing with the protocols [in this movie] but what if he disassembles it and builds his own thing? That could be really cool.”


The Fury thing was basically what happened in the (original) Ultimate Spidey, wasn’t it? I remember Fury being a pretty regular guest star in that book.

“It would be cool to see him hack the Stark suit and do some other things with it. We see him messing with the protocols [in this movie] but what if he disassembles it and builds his own thing? That could be really cool.”

Or, as Chris Hardwick puts it, “Screeching hobo’s filthy lice-ravaged ball sack that’s been dragged over a urine-soaked truck stop toilet and repeatedly slapped with a greasy maggot-covered slice of pizza, pulled out of a flaming dumpster and covered in mutant deer ticks created in a steroid factory after

About 10 years afo i worked in the 1-hour photo department at Walgreens. We used to make fake magazine covers for people all the time. We had a bunch of different ones to chose from. The only people who ever wanted them were parents of small children. This is hilarious😂

It definitely bothers the ever living shit out of me that he is so obsessed with being famous. He isn’t even mediocre at best, and he has paid for every bit of notoriety he has ever gotten. He is like a relic of an era so simplistically disgusting, his obsession with TV ratings, like this is the 80's. It’s all just

It’s gotta be this kid:

It’s so pathetic that I would feel sorry for him if he wasn’t so dangerous and hateful. There’s a lonely 12 year old in there somewhere.

I mean...literally fake news.

Why? Because he’s so very desperate for the approval of the lamestream media and all of the elites he pretends to scorn.

Cool Cool Cool * reaches for xanax *

I think he doesn’t distinguish between reality and what he thinks is true anymore, if he ever did. Especially since he’s actually been on the cover of TIME.

Trump was probably having a bad day and acting all pissy, so one of his underlings mocked this up and presented it to Temper-tantrum Donnie to satiate his bottomless ego and constant need for approval.

Kennedy and Kasdan have worked with Howard more than once over the years. He is their contemporary. They picked him because he will shoot the film like they would. They won’t need to micromanage him at all.

Somewhere there is an alternate universe where Lucas still owns Star Wars and we all still respect him.

“[Ron Howard] was actually considered to direct The Phantom Menace back before Lucas himself took over.”

Hey Ant-Man came out okay...