neon wario

Dick Chopper

Have you seen how flat the hood is?

I said "can scale". Yeah there's a baseline, I more meant the more you earn.

I think his point was more that kids will always be expensive, especially if you try to maintain your no-kids lifestyle. Plus, expenses on kids can scale with income (private school, college, etc.) The co-worker's point was more like have kids if you want them, and change lifestyle to fit.

I agree with you that it

I don't think there's an exact breakdown of costs, but it's likely a tax break over time.

The correct answer for most people, most of the time is Any Minivan. Tons of space, both for cargo and/or passengers, usually automatic so anyone can drive them, ubiquitous and often built to share platforms with other vehicles so parts are easy to find.

I don't really like either, but if I had to pick one, I'd go for the second. I like the chunkier look.

The seventy-twoth?

I was going to write a snappy response, but here's why it is: percieved resale value. It's not really a scientific test, sure, but look at the difference in price between most 2010 Mazda 3's and 2010 Corollas on Ebay or Kijiji. If your area/searches are similar, the Corolla tends to be about 1 or 2 grand more than the

If they're doing this with the right amount of tongue-in-cheek, then I actually think it's really funny. Course, you never know with BMW dealerships.

Probably fix it up and try to drive it. What fuckin' answer did you expect.

Probably a really good idea in an earthquake prone area, in this Blogger's opinion

LEt's check out some Arts

RPM doesn't refer to steering wheel revolutions

Right on, any idea if it'll be putting out that much power?

OK, now put that engine in the 2015 Mustang, have it return ~30 MPG and I'll buy it.

Eh, it could be worse. Think Golf R.

