neon wario

Bet the guy he saved was Fred Phelps! (If there's someone you guys hate more than Fred Phelps, please comment so I can edit the joke. Thanks, MGMT at Neon Wario)

if it's good then why have i never heard of it mate

Just an addendum to the detailing one- this is probably true if you have your own business and good marketing to appeal to people with nice cars. I detailed for a dealership and for every Lamborghini I got to do (one) I had to do a ton of beaten-to-shit Accents and Corollas

Looks like a mix between a Cayman R, NSX, and 3000GT

I'll try.

James Bond

except for that it's not usually illegal.

Hahahah yeah, I hope a kid dies as well.


That's a cracking piece of kit, but pictures are worth sod all if it's cancelled.

For the record, I love the Jetta one. I always say that my "type" is "Drives a diesel jetta"

Me too. I bought mine (2010) from my mom, who ironically, traded a 3 series in for it. Full circle, I guess.

Is maintenance on the E46 M3 that bad? I've been looking for one on and off but if it's going to cost me an arm and a leg to keep it on the road I'll pass.

Very good illustration of my super muscular and long arm there.

Cor, that's a ruddy peach

Jeez, I hope nobody said the engine of a particular car already. I think that's the correct and also original answer.

This bloke's number plate is a bit tosh. I suspect he's having a go.

Won't someone think of the Brands????

Does he like to potter around in it? That'll take the beans outta you. +1

Oh, just those specifically. Same goes for fox bodies, the 2004+ one, and probably the next one too.