
Tilda Swinton

Wow, Nathan. Just….wow.

Remembering AJ's reaction to her remark just made me smile. God, that show could be so funny.

Right? It holds up so well.

…fuckin bazookas under each arm…

So well-put.

Isn't he the guy who gave Fletch the rectal exam? You know: "You using the whole fist, Doc?"

I thought that, too.

I want Lyanna Mormont to wind up the third dragon rider. She can ride Rhaegal.

Bless you both for those. There are not enough KUA references in the world. My heart dies a little every time I recite "…a Mercedes, sauna and room for a pony" and get blank stares in return.

I'm jealous. Freida is awesome. Her voice alone lowers my blood pressure.

Justified is probably one of the most rewarding experiences I have had with a series. I think the whole season is on Prime.


More Freida.

This show kills me in all the best ways.

Don Ameche, without hesitation, provided I could bring him back from the dead. His voice could go from being a funny sort of alarmed bark ("What? Those jackasses you work for denied you that raise?") to being soothing and buttery ("Don't worry dear, you just keep working hard and you'll get there.") in a heartbeat.


Can anyone make out the lyrics to the My Favorite song? It sounds like it was recorded inside a can.

I am so excited for Fargo S3. I also really love your observations about The Path. It has been a pleasure.