
Agreed. I really like this show. I also really like Ana Gasteyer, but her character gives me hives.

Wasn't there a sequence in there (I want to say the Gary Kroeger years) where the cast members were all giants tromping through Manhattan? If someone else has already mentioned this, apologies.

"…Eddie is seen staring vacantly at the rest of the adoring throng with troubled eyes. But as soon as his wife opens up in front of them, he lights up, he's transfixed." YES. I get why Eddie feels that way about her. Home.

Seismic jaw flexing!

THIS SHOW!!! So good.

I really would have been happy with any of the final four as winner. Chi Chi is just fun to watch. She's certainly the least polished, but she has charisma to spare and I could listen to her talk all day. "It's a knife in the heart, the back, the ass. It's a hurting feeling."

UGH. Another unoriginal villain with an English accent and a wacky, merry-prankster attitude that belies his deep sadistic streak. Give me a break. I really like this show, but I cannot pay attention with all the violent eye-rolling I do whenever Rhys is on screen.

Fry and Laurie as Jeeves and Wooster! YES.

Stuff can be two things.

Do we think Sarah's mother knew that she took Tessa's file? The tone of her voice when she said "key" and the look on her face when Sarah kissed her head? It looked like she was trying not to cry.


I listened to the album first. I've never been a fan (save Irreplaceable), but I really like this album. It's very varied and a good listen. I had it on while I cleaned my apartment yesterday, and later on found myself wanting to hear those songs again.

Also, nice to see Abby Miller (who played Ellen Mae on Justified) as Gwen. At first, I didn't think it was her, but then she made that apologetic, scrunched-up face.

Didn't someone say the account the check was drafted on was closed by the brother? That makes Benstopher's gesture of giving Alice the check hollow. I like the idea that his love for her is not really that redeeming.

Thorgy, ugh. When a queen says "I got this because I am a PERFORMER!" right before a LSFYL, I always roll my eyes.

Team WhiJoFeather forever!



Yes. Let's see you do better. Write a compelling review in 1-2 hours. Also - your original comment was sloppy: "…they were in tow separate courts in Carolina". Tow court? Did F. Lee Bailey's rental car get towed? Alas, you proved my point: it's often hard to proofread correctly when typing in a hurry.

These reviews were all posted around 10-10:45pm the same night as the show aired. Let's see you do better in the same time frame. There is more to writing a good review than grammar and semantics.