
Where is Full Metal Jacket? I didn’t see it.

The Shershow Redemption will always be my favorite. Though I do love Our Best Friend's Wedding for the whole "Don't be petty Manny Petty, give me a mani-pedi!" exchange.

Jeni's Sweet Corn Bread ice cream is INSANE. At the first bite, something in my brain said "does not compute" for about 30 seconds. Then, it melted away and all I wanted was more. I just shelled out $130 to get another 8 pints sent to me. I'm truly obsessed. Pro tip: get yourself a bag of Bob's Red Mill almond

If any show out there could pull that off, it's Fargo.

I work with the same recently-promoted dodo. A lot of our job is data entry and she HAND WRITES out what she's going to input into the computer before she inputs it. We have a office printer for office docs and a warehouse printer for pack slips. She prints out packing slips in the office printer and walks them all

I love your profile picture.

Love Metropolitan.

I would have done anything to see the Zoo of Death section brought to the screen.

Everyone in that movie was good. I can't think of an off-note performance. Sure, Danny DeVito was hammy, but it is perfect for the role.

My high school history teacher had us listen to/study "Won't Get Fooled Again" when learning about the Bolshevik revolution. We even had a question on the final exam about what Pete Townsend meant by "A parting on the left is now a parting on the right". Now that we have Wikipedia, it appears the song has nothing to

It's on Netflix instant! I'm off to re-watch it again. Screw work.

Perhaps. But it got picked up and published on AV Club. I, personally, would consider that somewhat of a minor accomplishment.

Remember him from Sopranos season 1 - Massive Genius? It was a bad episode, but I liked him in it.

Here is a great observation about those two: "Dodd’s built up some paradigm of tough-guy masculinity in his mind, but ultimately, he’s an untested boy. His father has called the shots his whole life, and now that Otto is out of the chain of command, Floyd is stepping in and trying to control things. Dodd, for all

I want season three to be about the conflict Floyd refers to - back when Kennedy was president.

You really need Haywire last. It's hard to watch the other clips after the Haywire one. The lack of cuts in the Haywire fight scene shows how much the other scenes rely on it.

Orlando Jones and Deon Cole.


She needed some John Willie vintage slut for her nerves.

Katya (possibly my favorite queen of the whole series, right behind Jujubee) seemed…..different. Like when a child gets nervous in front of company and over-acts and everything out of their mouth is loud. Just me?