
You passed up, "Why is there an iPad in the middle of my Life?"

Some of the reactions to the art style on the cards reminds me of this...

I know what you're thinking, punk. You're thinking "does he have enough air pressure for one more shot?" Now to tell you the truth I forgot myself in all this excitement. But... what? I don't? Oh.

Well the new ones should be much better designs than the ones in Fukushima.

Number of people able to return to their homes (or what was left of them) in the area around Fukushima: 0

When Marathon came out, Bungie sent Bungie Store credit vouchers to anyone named 'Bob' who registered the game with them.

The Being Human (US) spoilers might already be out of date, as the last episode introduced the wonder twins, who definitely present a "social threat", and gave us a proper introduction to his former fiancé.

I know someone who would like a pair!

Well, throw a tag line in, and I think the commercial's ready.

Wait, now that I've actually watched this through, how many different guys did that female elf marry?

It's important to read the fine print...

Note that all of the answers in the Dexetra screen grab are justified right.

I've got it!

Their system is generally set up to entrap and up-sell users as much as possible. When you register a domain you should be able to transfer it over to whoever you want at almost any time, but GoDaddy does its best to make that process as miserable as possible.

Seriously, if the economy suddenly took a sudden upswing and unemployment dropped, Fox news would run a story asking whether the economy was biased toward Obama.

I know what you're asking yourself right now, "Did we bail out two car companies or three?" To be honest, in all the confusion, I lost track, myself.

If it at all makes you feel any better, their commercials accurately reflect the morality of their business practices.

I just don't get it, saying a musical performance on SNL is terrible or weird is like saying water is wet.

Oh! So that's the reason for the weird horizontal blur effect a second or two later. NBC said their system was "late to obscure", which seemed like an odd statement, and the blur effect seemed odd and out of place as well.

My dream headline with that as the front page photo is...