
Too soon to use that song TaylorMade. As soon as he hit the ball and the music started up, I expected the Sam Adams to be wheeled out and passed around.

LAME (referring to the end of the half, Patriots tapping out, and the Ravens just letting them)

I think it's the black tights or black pants/black socks, makes it look like they have skinny little legs. Combined with the white jerseys...

If it's hard for him to focus and see down the field, then maybe he need glasses?

12 guys on the field and they still can't keep the Ravens out of the end zone.


With human preference becoming a factor in evolution, I can just imagine a species ending up with some sort of inherent smiley face just because amused people are less likely to kill it.

Here's what he looked like shortly before getting arrested.

A bit more like lemon lime Slice and maybe Mr. Pibb, but yes, it was awesome. It's that "I don't know what flavor this really is" category of soda. To better explain the flavor its tag line was "The Wild One"

Forget Crystal Pepsi, bring back Dr. Slice!

What if the Alabama Teabagging Incident involved pickups with TruckNutz?

Now playing

Oops, I meant to link to this video, which has a soundtrack to give the proper feel for the rave button.

Now playing

The 2010 Mercury Milan has a button that will turn on lights in the cup holders, passenger's side footwell, and in the back seat footwell.

So we're going to be pulling green energy out of our asses?

That Hunger Games poster is either a really nice 3D render, or a really over done Photoshop job.

Ah, I was thinking of the Colossus vs. Thing cover, which has already been around. I guess this one is new. Still, for a sneak peek, it feels very thin.

Really? Copying the information out of the latest issue of Previews counts as 'an exclusive sneak peek'?

So is it possible to watch recent episodes of Chuck online anywhere, legally? Looks like it's not on Hulu, and it's not available On Demand from my cable provider.

The MPAA's view:

I'd point out that it's not just a teardown of Foxcon, but also the popular Republican talking point of needing to make the US 'friendlier' to manufacturing. Chinese factories are 'friendly' to manufacturing because they abuse their workers and pay them next to nothing. How exactly does the US compete with that, other