
Tebow's not going to have any fingernails left after this game.

Thanks, CBS, we needed that in slow motion...

Brown just found the crack in the Broncos defense!

How it will end prediction:

Fortunately they stopped the Broncos 71 yards out.

If there's someone who knows the importance of being able to get a foot long sub at any time of the day, it's Michael Phelps.

Ben would be Tebowing right now, but not on that ankle.

Things I did not need to hear today:

I don't think the Broncos like the result of this challenge, unless the refs feel like making up for earlier errors.

If there's one thing Tebow is definitely good at, it's sneaking balls.

Ben threw a backward/lateral pass that was about 1 yard behind him. Receiver botched the catch. The official blew his whistle when the ball hit the grass, just before Broncos jumped all over it.



Well, I think I know which ref team is out of the running for doing the Superbowl.

NFL mad lib (courtesy the commentators in the first half):

Even as a Steelers fan, I have to admit that ruling made no sense. (Lateral that was ruled incomplete)

lol, thanks. Just moved to the study for the second half.

Turns out Ben can't catch a snap with his face.

Holy hell, a Steelers receiver caught a ball!

Did the Steelers receivers grease up their hands before the game?