A Sense of Poise and Rationality

My little sister has bought into both this and the Beachbody cult. Every Facebook post is a picture of her holding my (adorable) nephew, with a caption about how hard it is to balance working and working out and being a MOM, but she does it all for her son. Nearly every post ends with “You got this, Mama!”. Luckily,

This is something I’ve noticed, as my favorite shows are Scandal and SVU. Both Olivias frequently drink a bottle of red wine in a night. I distinctly recall an episode of SVU where Benson opened a second bottle, and the camera panned across in a way that made me wonder if her drinking was going to become a plotline

Agreed, until the second go-round...he became such a passive-aggressive ass. And the whole “I’m proposing to lock you down” thing was just obnoxious.

I thought she was best known for banging many married fathers...which somehow sounds way more judgmental on the screen than it was in my mind.

I am torn between “you voted for this, here you go” and the fact that my parents are part of that group. Mom has insurance through her job, but Dad is self-employed—and has a pretty serious pre-existing condition— and they live in a state that fought Obamacare tooth and nail, so his premiums and deductible are insane.

I am so, so, sorry. You didn’t do anything to deserve this, and he is deserves to roast in a hell I don’t believe in, but am willing to create for him. I am so glad you were able to escape. All of the (consensual) hugs.

Have you ever had the “Dieter’s Tea” you buy in Asian markets? It’s in a green box with a ballerina. I bought it on a whim one day, and decided try drinking hot tea instead of wine while cooking dinner. I ended up drinking 3-4 cups over an hour or so and was pleasantly surprised by the mild taste. Everything was great

I’m right there with you. The rational side of me knows there’s no way in hell I would have “won” the case against him and would have put myself through an emotional wringer in public...the other, equally rational side, lives in constant fear that he did to someone else what he did to me. The thought that there could

Why is Bella Thorne?

While I’m not a Michael Moore fan (I consider him the liberal version of Rush Limbaugh), there’s a part of Bowling for Columbine that explains the history of the NRA and gun ownership in America, and the clear racial intent. It has always stuck with me.

I “left” my church around age 16, but it took my parents a couple years longer. I put “left” in quotes because I simply requested to work the 10-2 shift on Sundays at the radio station I worked at, so I had a legitimate excuse for not going to church. I am just not wired to have faith and was raised in the Assemblies

...I’ve always thought that the ability to “swallow him whole” was a sign of talent and something most men I doing it wrong?

Yeah, I wear 2 sports bras to do anything...sleeping with my boobs strapped down so hard sounds miserable!

Me, too. She speaks to the part of me that is eternally an angsty teenager, the part that will never leave me, no matter how old or “adult” I become.

They tried to get in your car?! That’s terrifying and insane.

Me, too. She was guilty pleasure until “We Are Never Getting Back Together” and I realized she is sarcastic as hell and her sense of humor means we could be besties. I can only dream of having a platform that allows me to tell the world about all of the hot guys I banged and why they weren’t worthy of me...

I can’t decide if it’s better or worse than being Sean Spicer.

My boyfriend found it endlessly amusing to randomly send me the audio of him yelling about Drake...whom I also hate. I had to think a bit about the fact that I am dating someone who not only likes DJ Khaled, but also finds those antics hilarious. If my BF was worse at steak or sex, I would have had some decisions to

So my ex-husband was a huge fan of the Transformers franchise, so I saw the movies through relationship osmosis (they were always on in the background). I cannot bleach out the scene in one of the movies in which she is weirdly bent over a motorcycle, painting it, tits and ass sticking out in a way that looked

It’s a careful calculation; I have dozens of stories of times I felt safe enough to call a guy out on his bullshit, and those are the stories I relate to my friends and family for their amusement...the times I was too scared to talk back are the ones I don’t share as much, because that’s a level of vulnerability I’m