A Sense of Poise and Rationality

It’s such a catch-22: if you change your routine, you’re “giving him power over you”; if you don’t, “you should have used some common sense”. It’s bullshit, and I am always pro-whatever makes you feel safe, even if it seems like overkill.

My brother and I discuss this a lot. He is a bigger guy, super sensitive, and one of the actual good guys. He ended his only relationship (2-3 years, amicable and mutual split) last summer, and is considering online dating. He mentioned to me that his strategy was to sign up on a free promotional weekend, then

The crazy part, to me, is how much of it is just instinctual. I’ve been in situations where I consciously considered my options and made a deliberate choice (be it fight, flight, or flee), but at least 75% of the time, I just react and think about it later, when I’m safe. It’s all so automatic that sometimes I don’t

This whole situation is making UnReal look like a realistic is it, actually, in terms of producers manipulating cast/situations?

That. Is. Terrifying.

It’s really the worst. And so hard to explain to men.

Honestly, I am too scared to be honest like that. You hear all of the time about women being attacked after rejecting a man; I’m not brave enough to risk that. I also worry about being followed to my car, which is less likely if he believes I am accompanied by a man. Is it bullshit? Absolutely. But so is risking my

I was in HomeGoods the other day, shopping for cheap kitchen supplies. A man who appeared to be at least 20 years older than me approached me and made small talk (annoying, but I live in the MidWest so par for the course), then proceeded to follow me around the store as I awkwardly tried to ignore him without seeming

I had an employee who once memorably referred to sex as “getting vigorous” in an attempt to be that context, it was hilarious. Referring to rape as getting “overly excited” is horrifying.

I work with victims of sexual assault, and often not knowing is just as traumatic (if not more) than knowing exactly what happened. It’s easy for the worst part of your imagination to go wild, and there’s no way to argue against those thoughts. It also makes it harder to get proper help, as the confusion may lead the

A career in animal husbandry was recommended for me. I am the worst farm child ever and have no idea how they came to that conclusion. The rest of my class was amused, though!

Also, Scott Disick. And then judge myself eternally.

Yeah, it’s something I’ve fought with for a long time. I was raised on a sheep/cattle ranch, so I have first-hand experience in dealing with animals. I go back and forth over the morality of eating meat; I would never eat my cat, but can’t imagine living without steak. It was an easier decision before my parents sold

One of my mom’s coworkers offered her all the chicken we could freeze if she and us kids (I was the oldest of the 4 and maybe 14 or 15) would help her slaughter them. We made good on our promise, and none of us kids would touch chicken for a solid six months. Mom never made that deal again.

Seconded. Jez got me through the last couple years of high school in a rural community, where my shocking belief that women were equal to men made me a bit of a “troublemaker”. It mean so much to see other women who were unafraid to stand up for themselves, and to know that there was more to the world than the small

Thanks. It’s helpful to know I’m not alone.

I love that show. Money, dick, power. I want that to be on my gravestone.

I let mine come over the next day and we had “consensual” sex. I say “consensual” because I gave consent in an attempt to normalize the situation and pretend it was just me having sex with my boyfriend, not being violated by someone I was seeing. Only a couple of my closest friends know this; even now, knowing how

I guarantee my rapist doesn’t think he did anything wrong, and wonders why I “went crazy” after we had sex. That fact enrages me as much as what he actually did to me.

Some of the best sex I have ever had was with a guy I met on Tinder. He took a cab to my place, fucked like a champion all night, and then I had to give him a ride home...with a pit stop at the jail for him to do a breathalyzer for multiple DUIs. The sex was so good that I almost invited him over again when he texted