A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I find it interesting how men and women tend to phrase it differently. I have had several men give me the “my ex was crazy” line, and it always makes me wonder what their definition of ‘crazy’ is. The way they phrase it and their intonations/examples usually indicate to me that calling her crazy was an easy way to

The Matt Lauer line from The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt applies here: “I’m always amazed at what women will do because they’re afraid of being rude.” 

Yeah, my (very part-time) job uses group texts when someone needs shift coverage, and it drives me crazy. The worst part is that there really isn’t a better way to communicate with everyone at once, especially if someone is sick and needs a replacement immediately. I’ve gone to the bathroom and come back to my desk to

I prefer texting. Sometimes I just don’t have the “spoons” to handle an actual spoken conversation, but texting means I can communicate on my own time and takes much less energy. My mom is the only person who regularly calls me without texting first to set up a time; if you don’t, there is a good chance I will ignore

I am pretty sure Redvolution has become a main food group for me.

What book?

I have recurring UTIs, and have never had anyone examine my vagina. They take a urine sample, push on my stomach and back over my clothes to see if my kidneys/bladder need further attention, write me a prescription and send me on my way.

I promise it gets better. Once you reach the point where you stop holding yourself responsible for his happiness, moving on is pretty easy. I was married to an emotionally/financially abusive man for 5 years and this summer will be 2 years since I asked him to move out. For the first few months (okay, year plus), I

That’s actually kind of hilarious.

The Story of O is life-changing.

VC Andrews is the queen of the genre. So smutty, so ridiculous, and such a big impression on my tiny, young, overly developed brain.

I saw him during his last spoken-word tour and he was riveting. He is one of the very few people who can hold an audience’s attention for 2.5 hours while just speaking...his rage is intelligent and well-articulated. I love him.

My boyfriend and I started out like that. When I first met him, I figured he’d be a fun 3-week fling. At the end of three weeks, I mentally gave him another three. Then another month, and another month after that... A year plus of dating and nearly two years since we met later, we are going strong and talking

I’d do him a thing least once. Probably three times because even if he’s bad, damn is he my type. My scruffy, filthy, type.

I was much the same. In a weird twist, though, I got to sleep with two of my biggest unrequited crushes. My Junior High crush is a super sweet guy, but super inexperienced. My inner 15-year-old was amazed he was in my bed; adult me gave an A for effort and appreciated his apologizing that his dick didn’t vibrate. (To

What I find worse is when the person with whom you share a mutual hatred tries to pretend to be friendly. Like, don’t come over and say “hi”; I saw you across the room and ran in the other direction to avoid your bullshit! Be an adult and imagine I’m invisible, too.

There was an incident with my boyfriend’s family last week that culminated in his sister telling him that their mom and I were discussing them pooping. His immediate response? “This one [pointing at me] doesn’t talk about poop. What did that one [his mom] say?” Apparently I have made it very clear that I don’t do

Carrie’s horrible counterpart is Ted Mosby from HIMYM. They deserve each other.

Carrie is by far the worst of the four. She’s selfish, self-centered, manipulative, and whiny. And Aidan just wanted someone to settle down with and have a family. He was too nice, and she walked all over him. Carrie needed drama to function (there was literally an entire episode about Aidan not making her “stomach

I have ended 2 serious relationships (an engagement and a marriage) with men who made this threat. At some point, you have to realize that their behavior is not your responsibility. I was fortunate enough that neither went through with their threats and I am now with someone who is emotionally stable and would never