A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I hate unscheduled phone calls. My friends know to text me and find a time that is mutually convenient, and I will talk for hours. Call me spur of the moment, and I will probably ignore your call. As someone with anxiety and depression, I need to get into a mental space where I am ready to talk, and that requires

How did I miss this story?! I aspire to raise a daughter who punches kids who fuck with baby bunnies.

I’m so sorry. I completely empathize with not acting like a “typical” victim, and just wanting to get on with life. For years after my rape, I put myself in objectively stupid situations with the rationale that “the worst has happened; why worry about being safe now?” I went to a couple of counseling sessions after,

I’m so sorry.

Thanks; I just subscribed!

Do you, by any change, remember which podcast? I’m very interested in this subject, particularly in the context of the Wetterling case.

This is something that is hard for me to think about logically, as I was sexually assaulted. Even though it was over 10 years ago, I take medication and have been in years of therapy for the resulting PTSD. So when I hear about a case like this, my instinct is to drag the perpetrator across the coals. As far as I’m

Yeah, my dad was on the board during that time, and that was only one of several clearly wrong decisions. He was mortified, and quit the church shortly after. He still considers himself a Christian, but no longer attends any church. I don’t blame him.

You just described my entire family, excepting myself, my brother, and one aunt. It’s baffling.

The church I grew up in voted not to let a family who was super active (like, volunteering to clean the church and maintain the lawn) not live in the empty parsonage when they were, through circumstances beyond their control, about to be homeless. The congregation was paying for heat and water on an empty building,

I once had to fire a man in his early 50s for sexual harassment. I explained to him that I had received complaints from nearly every person on my staff that ranged from inappropriate comments to unwanted touching. (With the final straw pushing it from written warning to firing being having his pants clearly open while

I live in the Midwest and married at an early age, so I got constant questions. They dried up pretty fast when I started responding with complete honesty: “Well, between my mental health issues that I am actively working through and the mental health issues he refuses to acknowledge, it just seems unfair to bring a

One or two ;-)

I have a strong feeling of revulsion toward Drake. And nothing I learn about him changes this.

OMG YES! I need this so much.

I’m cheap, and my favorite is CoverGirl LashBlast (the version in the purple tube, that is supposed to be for length and volume). It layers nicely, so I can do one or two coats for work and add more if I’m going out. If I apply it just to the tips of my lashes, it does some serious lengthening. Love it.

I don’t understand how some people jump from relationship to relationship with no refractory period. I have a friend who never breaks up without having a new guy in the wings. She got engaged to the last one super quickly and I am concerned that she is getting married because she wants to be married, and that who she

I have a close friend who’s ex-husband would only have sex in the shower, after they had each showered. Like, he could not handle the thought of any transfer of germs...this is the scenario I imagine for Kushner.

My mom keeps insisting that I will “find the right man” and suddenly want to pop out a bunch of kids...lets ignore the fact that I am recently divorced and eternally grateful we didn’t have kids; it made it possible to have a clean break. I love my nieces and nephews, and I do love kids. Which is why I’m ambivalent,

My boyfriend was positive that as soon as I turned 30, my biological clock would just explode and I would demand children instantly...almost 6 months later, I am still on the fence about kids. I keep saying “maybe in five years” (and it literally applies this year; I’m getting my Mirena IUD replaced this summer, and