A Sense of Poise and Rationality

I was in my church’s version of Girl Scouts (Missionettes, if you are familiar). We learned very little in terms of actual practical life skills and a lot of Bible verses. In fact, the only useful badge I remember involved taking a Safe Sitters course, logging so many hours of baby-sitting, and planning and cooking a describe your wardrobe and I am now wondering if you are my boyfriend, who has the exact same “uniform”. Although I suspect he would give himself a higher dickishness level, so you are probably not him, lol!

I agree completely. Few things are harder than leaving someone who you know cannot care for his/herself, especially if you are a “fixer” and have spent years trying to help. You have to shore up a lot of strength and learn to stop taking responsibility for the behavior and feelings of another adult person. And then

The ESPN documentary about OJ did a great job of showing how charming he could be, and how that could turn on a dime. I know at least one of his friends discussed how he went from believing OJ was innocent to being positive he was guilty.

I grew up in a very small town in a very conservative area, and a friend from high school still lives there. He announced a year or so ago that he was transitioning from female to male and I was pleasantly surprised by the community’s support, as I’m not aware of anyone else out as trans in the area. I was talking

I devoured that book; I couldn’t put it down. I appreciated how well she portrayed all of the tensions at work in the situation and how they all tied together, especially the protagonist’s relationship with her uncle (the cop).

I just requested Britt-Marie was Here! I finished My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry and was so excited to find out there was a sequel about Britt-Marie’s adventures. Literally, as the book was ending, all I could think was “what happened to Britt-Marie? Did she finally get to have fun?” Now I’m on pins


Thanks. She has 2 kids with him and is stuck. They also have custody of his other two, who would go back to their incredibly unfit mother (like, knew her nephew was sexually abusing her daughter and didn’t do anything about it level of unfit) if she left. He threatens her with that any time she gets fed up. My heart

“Well I remember it all very clear, looking back/ it was the summer I turned 18/ We lived in a little run-down shack/ on the outskirts of New Orleans...”

He is hated by every single member of our family except his wife because he is just a douchebag in general. They started dating when she was 17 and he was 26 and tried to lie to our parents about his age and later about the fact that he had a daughter from a previous relationship (his ex was 17 when he got her

I am the oldest of three girls. Both of my sisters married their high school sweethearts (and literally the only men they ever even went on a single date with). I, on the other hand, have more than made up for their lack of sexual experience...guess which of us ended up with HPV? Not the “promiscuous” one who (almost)

This is a huge issue for me as a survivor of sexual assault, and suffers from PTSD as a result. For some reason, I can handle most sex (and even rape, if it’s not too graphic) scenes if they actually advance the plot and aren’t shot from a super voyeuristic/porno view. But frequently , the scene is unnecessary and

It is nice to know their political affiliations are sane...Chip and Joanna creep me out so much.

I come from a large, loud, family. My boyfriend comes from a small, considerably quiet family. He is frequently embarrassed by my natural volume when we are in public. It drives me crazy; it’s not like I’m trying to be obnoxious. And when I get self-conscious and try to speak more quietly, I basically

I was in a 7-year-long relationship that was abusive in every way but physical, and during most of that time, I was working with victims of DV. Part of me recognized abusive behaviors and felt like shit for being such a hypocrite; another part used cases I worked with to minimize what was happening to me. It seems

I posted this above, but I’m in the greys, so I’ll post again:

I feel like their faces were created from magazine cutouts of Disney Princes, which is why their individual features are attractive, but their faces as a whole are “off” (to me, anyway).

The book is phenomenal, and definitely sounds like what you are experiencing. I hope you can find a way out; I work with victims of abuse, and I know how difficult it can be (emotionally, logistically, etc.) to leave. I’m so glad you are able to post here, and we are always here for moral support. **hugs** (if you

I’m so sorry; your situation sounds horrible. I hope you can find a way out.