Mike Bonds

That was a mighty long, uninterrupted piss Zava took during that scene, and with a gorgeous woman berating him the whole time at that! He must have put away quite a few pints during the match.

This episode restored my hope for this season of Ted Lasso. I thought the first two episodes were good but didn’t really get me super excited other than to think “Well it’s setting things up but the rest of the season will get better.” I definitely felt like this was the “It’s getting better” installment. Everyone

I’m not entirely sure they need to dress Rupert up like an Imperial officer from Star Wars. He’s the villain, we get it.

But maybe I’m selling this episode short”

Hollywood awarded 2 asian actors and a movie that represents asian-american culture with 7 oscars.

Given that it’s about a shitty small farm town in central Indiana, the Hickory fans would probably have yelled a few more racial slurs. But otherwise Hoosiers is a pretty accurate depiction.

Now playing

Sir Ian McKellen said it better and nicer:

Thank you!

Rupert’s office is Palpatine’s throne room on the second Death Star

I gave it a chance despite my gut telling me that it was going to be exactly what it was.

This whole trend recently of “Hate the game, not the player” is understandable - who doesn’t love a redemption arc, after all? - and to be fair there are no winners on any side in the kind of vapid, self-aggrandizing, vicious world in which the Paris Hiltons, Courtney Stoddens, and, indeed, Donald Trumps of this Earth

Came here to see where Hoosiers ended up. About half of my high school’s basketball team were among the cast. That’s now-Doctor Steve Hollar with the big grin in the header photo — he got to punch another player and coach Gene congratulated him, sort of.

While Space Jam is not a good movie, it’s weirdly enjoyable. I saw it in the theater when it came out and thought it was a lot of fun at the time. Looking back on it, it’s pretty much a long, crass commercial yet retains some measure of goofy charm in part because nobody seems to be taking it or themselves too

Nate’s arc will be as follows: West Ham and AFC Richmond will play somewhere around the two-thirds mark of the Premiere League season, and the Ted Lasso season. It’s all building up to this. Rupert wants only to stick it to Rebecca. It should be a rout. And it is. The Greyhounds win! Rupert is furious and all of his

I get that a lot of people wanted Angela Bassett to win, but calling out Jamie Lee Curtis’ win as “nepobaby-ism” is just an insane complaint. I would bet that over half of the Academy voters couldn’t even name one of JLC’s parents, let alone both. And she’s 64 and never had an Oscar-worthy role before this. Even if

Re Hugh Grant. Vanity Fair and “Graham assumed he meant the magazine, or perhaps the Oscar party it throws every year, but it wasn’t clear whether Grant meant it in either way.”

I’m not into the whole “actor wins an then has the most uncontrollably emotional reaction of their life” it feels borderline inappropriate.

Loved Kimmel’s teasing about Nicole Kidman’s AMC campaign.

I typically enjoy Kimmel’s hosting. He’s the next Billy Crystal in my eyes: amusing, the right balance of cutting when needed, not above goofy skits or videos, never too cringy. Not perfect by any means, but out of any hosts in recent memory, I think he fits

She didn’t really help make any famous movies though.

In other news, the list of deceased actors who the Academy either forgot about or plain couldn’t be bothered about includes Anne Heche, David Warner, Paul Sorvino, Philip Baker Hall, Gilbert Gottfried, Fred Ward and both Theo from Die Hard and the Bartender from The Shining: