Mike Bonds

I have to agree. I fell a asleep in the theater for part of it. I was bored out of my mind. 

Is The Black Dahlia really worse than Mission to Mars? I find that hard to believe.

I’m guilty in my recent post of spelling Frederic Forrest’s name with a k too. Sorry. But it does let me point this out - that man is one of the best actors. Always, no matter the movie. As you point out, Hammett wasn’t great - he was. Same with The Two Jakes. I first saw him in When the Legends Die (and no, I don’t

A-maized that they still make these flicks. 

Nice straw man. I also happen to be a no-longer-practicing certified nurse midwife but I led with what (I thought) would lend medical credibility - clearly I was wrong. The FACTS are that she received a D&C and you don’t get a D&C without a verified flat-line. Your OPINION is that she went somewhere to get an abortion

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but apart from the ILM effects, the movie doesn’t look at all like one of his. In terms of framing, composition, cinematography the aesthetic is completely different.

Oh man, the sound effects going on in that scene of Close Encounters absolutely scared the shit out of nine-year-old me.

Even among people who love TVH, TWoK is almost universally lauded as the better film as well as specifically the better Trek film.

Voyage Home feels like an excellent episode of the show, which itself went back to the “ “travel to our present time” well” a lot itself, even without counting the oblique “we found a Nazi/Roman/hippie planet” pseudo time travel stories. I think Khan is a better movie, but not a better example of the show.

I always thought “The Poseidon Adventure” and eight Oscar nominations were an unusual pairing.

She wasn’t as hot as Shelley Winters. Real piece of ass, that Shelley.

Pitch Black was small-scale and scary fun (a group of moderately interesting characters trying to survive monsters in the dark). Chronicles of Riddick was a failed attempt to make a low-stakes character into an epic hero. Riddick got back to small-scale action, and in my opinion worked as a fun small-scale sci-fi

That is 100% it. I coach college track. I have NEVER seen an actor run fast naturally. Non-athletes have an idea of what it should look like, and most people have no idea the difference.

I don’t consider Jerry Maguire to be a football movie. It’s. Rom-com, about a sports agent and a single mother, with a tiny bit of football sprinkled in there.

rudy was a terrible pick for #1 (should be brians song or FNL), but seeing any given sunday in the top 5 is a worse sin. You take out all the slo-mos and that movies run time decreases by about 30m. Only movie I have ever walked out on.

What, no Varsity Blues???

The Replacements is a glaring omission.

I don’t have room in my life for another one of these shows but isn’t this just a slight variation on The Mole?