Mike Bonds

the biggest supporters of Judaism,

Corporations are our only hope.

“Free speech” is protection from government censorship, not corporate censorship. South Carolina making it a felony for Google to tell you how to mail order abortion pills would violate free speech, but Google choosing not to show you where to find a “crisis pregnancy center” wouldn’t.

> considered making her father amphibian food

Or people didn’t like her for the same reason they got sick of almost every other pseudo-Daily-Show that sprung up and got cancelled over the past few years, even if they agreed with their politics.

The point I tuned out was an early episode where she was talking with a bunch of real migrants about the real struggles they were going through, but in order to make it “funny” her whole bit was to say GOP talking points to their faces in a bad sitcom voice then mug to the cheap seats when they disagreed. It just felt

I won’t claim I caught more than a handful of episodes, but from what little I saw she fell into the trap of thinking her show needed to be the Deliverer of Truth rather than, first and foremost, entertaining. The same problem that pretty much ruined most of late night during the Trump era (including Colbert). I was

It’s exceedingly important in the times we live in for talk show hosts to be capable of changing minds rather than reaffirming the beliefs of their audience. Bee may have been terrible at this, but so are they all. Just another reminder of the dire state of the genre.

“Nipples for men!”

How can you run an obit about this guy without mentioning “Time Bandits?” I mean, he certainly doesn’t come to mind when I think of Twin Peaks. When Bruce Willis dies I full expect the headline here to be

The W.O.P.R. is sad now :/

I remember when I almost got tossed from the site and created a huge brouhaha by suggesting the LD maybe wasn’t the generational voice TVDW thought she was. Good times. 

Well, gonna have to watch Tron this week

You’re just hoping they’ll instead pivot to focus on his long lost second-string brother Mike, aren’t you? I told you it’s never going to happen!!

I think the Daniel Craig movies have generally done better by its female characters. Eva Green, Olga Kurylenka, Naomie Harris, Lea Seydoux, Lashana Lynch, Ana de Armas, and Judi Dench all have good roles in the recent movies and many of them did not end up in bed with Bond (unlike pre-Craig movies where just about

just a bunch of Throners with boners

One of the TV critics on the BBC said “Netflix cranks out so much content they don’t stop to check if any of it’s actually good”.

No fandom that hates its own subject is more toxic than any other.

The problem with basically every fandom is that some of the people in every one of them build their whole personalities out of their devotion to that one thing. And then, because their personalities are just loosely assembled spare parts, they fall apart at the slightest jostling of the original work, and the people re