Mike Bonds

They have Dark, which was a big hit outside of Germany. They have also bought for the US and a few other countries Babylon Berlin (which they haven’t developed).

This is CEO douchenuggetry 101:

Of all the streaming services I subscribe to, Netflix is the only one that’s allowed me to watch shows and movies from Denmark, South Korea, Germany, Spain, Japan, Brazil, France, and more. There’s a lot to criticize them about, but that would be a huge loss. Unfortunately they’re hampered by one of most damaging

These streaming services thought their 2 year stellar performance (during covid lockdown) would persist.

The one movie I will ALWAYS remember him for is Death Race 2000.

The only thing her castmates care about is how long the show will run. They’ll be thrilled that after terrible reviews, someone else is jumping in, hopefully with some good publicity, and hopefully will keep them employed.

Is the book going to have multiple endings like that Clue movie from the 80's?

Now playing

I imagine when Mississippi public TV officials in 1970 saw Sesame Street, this is how they reacted:

Judging witness credibility is the primary job of the factfinder (jury in this case, judge in bench trials).

I think you might be under the impression that the system we have for meting out justice in American society is a fundamentally good one, and I’m afraid to say that you’d be utterly wrong.”

There’s nothing unusual about a juror trying to evaluate a witness’s credibility -- that’s a major function of the jury.  The juror here isn’t saying, “Amber Heard was sad, and I don’t like people being sad, so I punished her.”  He’s saying that the way she appeared upset, then suddenly not, over and over again, was

Except witness testimony and behavior is part of the evidence. It’s why we have live testimony. The jury is able to see how the witness behaves in response to questions.  Body language makes up a large part of human communication, so it’s not to be discounted. If we didn’t think it was important trials would consist

This is a weird article. Almost all cases settle — every party has at least some risk of losing, and litigating the case itself costs money. Without knowing the amount of the settlement, it’s hard to tell whether the settlement represents a huge payday for Mo’Nique or a nuisance payment to make her case go away.

I don’t necessarily disagree with T. Hanks here, but at the same time if it’s acting, shouldn’t he be able to play a gay man? By his logic then a gay actor shouldn’t be able to play a straight role. Or am I missing something? (Genuine question, I don’t know one way or the other)

Oh, that’s easy.  Musk doesn’t have a company that makes electric trams.

I get that Hanks is drawing a distinction between what was acceptable in the past versus the, uh, “modern realm of authenticity.” But I don’t think Philadelphia would have been better served by (almost) any other actor, whatever their sexual orientation. Not in acting ability alone, but also in terms of cultural

(I’D have helped Emma Thompson.)

A few friends had a similar conversation with me not too long ago. I went to rehab and everything, and have been sober since. It really is crazy how much your life improves if you just let it. About to hit my 6 months sobriety date, which I know isn’t that long, but for me it’s a lifetime.

I took Michael Keaton’s advice about running a prostitution scheme out of a morgue and it led to a long prison sentence. Never again 

Huh, this really hasn’t been my experience! I enjoy experiencing the same settings, characters, and conflicts through different mediums, if only because it teaches me so much about storytelling,