Mike Bonds

And despite the spectacle and financial success, Avatar seems like the pinnacle of pop ephemera--here today, gone tomorrow without leaving a cultural mark.

I find the popularity of Otessa Moshfegh baffling.  Her writing is just completely blah to me.

Agree.  This may be their moment in the sun, but it’s just one moment in what is often a 3 or 4 hours slugfest.

Please never use the word “stan” again.

Can’t wait for a third season of Ted Lasso.  Really one of the best shows of the last several years.  Need a release date on it, stat!

I think a female or gay Bond the audience wouldn’t take seriously.  This is a character with 60 years worth of history; the audience isn’t going to just magically jettison that.

Not sure who the next James Bonds will be, but the next James Bond villain should be Tom Hiddleston or Cillian Murphy.

His character in Knives Out 2 was pretty silly.”

I agree that this Dune was far better than Lynch’s Dune, although Lynch did a great job casting his movie.

If this country can somehow just outlive the boomers, I think it’s got a real chance to make it.

Seems pretty hard to believe.  Arguably the greatest film of all time with incredible cultural resonance.

I agree.  We know this character in and out after a zillion movies and comic books.  It’s ok to acknowledge that and move on.

This is mostly a list of mid-tempo messes for the Regina Spektor crowd.

The trouble with La La Land is that none of the musical numbers are memorable.  It’s a good movie, but musicals live and die with songs that stick with you, and none of these do.

Really hate to hear this.  Nothing sounds like Fleetwood Mac.

This is one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen.  

Sad Songs is a huge miss in this list.

Or, even better, just stop completely and use the resources to make something original.  This stuff jumped the shark a long time ago.

Job market is bad for big social media tech.  Tech jobs aren’t hard to find.  You might not be able to live in the Bay Area, but the jobs are out there.

Elon Musk is an immigration problem unto himself.