Mike Bonds

The show was beloved by critics and watched by almost no one.  It was far more talked about than viewed.

Not sure that the purpose of James Bond movies is to rectify “centuries of discrimination against women,” but hey.

Having a female Bond seems like an overcorrection, but Bond movies could use more than just the “damsel in distress” roles.  That’s happened a few times over the years, but not that frequently.

Also its amazing just how much bad content netflix has made. so much money wasted on completely forgettable series and movies.”

At least some aspect of this has to be the post-pandemic world, too.  Now that people aren’t staying at home like they did back in corona times, you had to figure that Netflix subscriber counts would have to be affected.

This assumes a fact not in evidence. The movies, at least, don’t show us anything about what happens to non-Jedis after death.

Actually, I’d say that “redemption” is in the eye of a third party arbitrator, while “atonement” is in the eye of the beholder.

Maybe I’m alone on this, but Chris Pratt would actually be great.  

Witness credibility is left exclusively to the jury.  Everything counts--not just what’s being said, but how it’s being said.

I agree.  The point of acting is to play someone or something you’re not.  I think this will pass after the current age of outrage is behind us.

It’s a fair question. It’s not like she’s the most popular act out there, so not everyone’s as familiar as our local savants.

Finally, someone’s stepping up to make sure boomers are heard.  Our long national nightmare is over!

Not every story has to be a political story. This isn’t complaining about Disney and gender politics. This is complaining that the story in Loki wasn’t the story that they wanted to see.

He needs to swing by and pick up Jim Bob on his way in.

Mamma mia!  I think I ruptured my firstula!

There are fasces on the back of a dime.

At least someone seems willing to make a turn away from the fun-allergic Snyderverse.

That review totally crushed it out.  Thanks for sharing.

RIP, Iago

Sylvan Esso might be the pick here, but you wouldn’t know it by the video posted.  Nothing about that says dance or electronic.  What an odd choice to feature.