
This is where i think some of the worst writing occurred. they could have handled this scene without making it sound like Geralt just created the idea in their heads they could move somewhere that didn’t suck and they wouldn’t be mistreated by humans, or that they were suddenly deciding the future of their

Go back in time and find out.


Also the first Gears of War game wasn’t called Gears of War part 1. It was just called, Gears of War.

Games get made all the time with intention for there to be a sequel and they are never called part 1. This is nothing new.

I’d only accept help from other players if they have to delete their save file first.

While it looked good, I hated how it had absolutely nothing similar with any of the games they had made.

So I can play it on the TV. Just plug in a power cable, HDMI cable and use a wireless controller.

Too bad they didn’t include a mini HDMI port. I don’t really see the appeal of docking the machine or removing the controllers. When in TV I would use a pro controller and on the go I use the built in.

I don’t have a Switch. If this came with a mini HDMI port I would absolutely pick it up over the standard switch. I don’t care about docking or using detachable joycons.

That’s why it comes in Yellow.

Having to play with other people is exactly the reason why I stopped playing MMOs. I enjoy the story and like building a character but I really don’t want to interact with other people.

My favorite “electric rodent” is Emolga.

It’s not a plot point.

I absolutely loved SD3 and I played the heck out of it when the English fanpatch was made way back when. I played it all the way through with all 6 characters.

There should be a Patreon to have David do all of Snakes lines in Metal Gear Solid 5 and have it be a mod.


Heh, nice catch. Non-elves have 5 which is still more than men.

I recently played though the game again and this time did all the DLC. I made a male character this time and found the romance options to be really lacking. For heterosexual males the only females that can be romanced are Cassandra and Josephine. If you want to adventure with your partner there is only one “choice.”

Eh, female Inquisitors actaully have the most romance options with six people. Blackwall, Cullen, Solas, Josephine, Iron Bull and Sera.