NathanFords EvilTwin

Sounds like you're not reading enough fan fiction.

She's the reincarnation of Cameca, hoping the Doctor will makes good on his proposal

Not nearly enough sashes either.

Not to mention the essential escaping and then immediate recapturing that is the true stuff of drama.

I'm holding out for a Donna-esque return for Faye Marsay. She had fantastic chemistry with Capaldi.

I mean she's probably going to die, cause she's the Master, but she's also the Master, so she's never going to really die.

IIRC, every story this season is two parts. They're trying something new, or rather retrying something old, and it's exciting.

Doctor Who has it's easy accessibility as a big advantage over every other current great show. Easy to drop and pick back up.

Haha, ok, little more extreme than my theory. I will say I felt the same way before season 8, but while watching it fell completely in love with the show again, so maybe you'll rediscover your passion for it once the season's underway.

All my evidence for this is anecdotal, but it feels like Who is in this constant state of hemorrhaging fans who get tired of it but then replacing them with new ones. I know several people who loved the show until Davies left/middle of Moffat's run/Smith left and just stopped keeping track of it. I know just as many

It seems any time there's a prominent guest star people start speculating it's some past character, and they're always wrong, ok except for Michelle Gomez, but most of the time!

It wouldn't be Doctor Who without the wonky special effects, it's the one thing tying the whole show together. Actors and writers come and leave, but the wonky effects will last forever.

It's definitely a gross simplification, but handy as a rule of thumb.

Then enlighten me, oh wise one.

Right now it's made 3 times its budget. Sure it can scrounge up another 100 million in the months it'll still be in theaters/after finishing it's international rollout.

I remember Murphy floating the idea of a Coven sequel or spinoff when it was still in the development stage. Don't know where he stands on it now.

It's how it should be IMO.

All very astute points.

Because they don't want to be seen as going after kids, they want to go after *gasp* teens. The more lucrative market, but also the harder one to pin down since what those fickle bastards consider cool changes on a monthly basis. But yeah, Sky High is the perfect tone for an FF movie.