NathanFords EvilTwin

He was good in every movie I mentioned. That's beside the point, the point is I can't remember anything notable about the performance.

Like Jessica Lange doesn't play the same character in every AHS.

No, you're completely write, bland was the wrong word to use. There need to be a sense of interchangability in the episodes, but you can do that in a way that's still interesting.

Well Kings Speech only cost $15 million, which yeah, is low budget in 2015

This is very true, and speaks to why that false dichotomy keeps coming up in this thread.

Most of the people I talk too are sick of "all of these" superhero movies, but are still very excited for a couple specific ones. So I think superhero films will stop hitting a mass audience in a few years and scale down, but they'll always have an audience.

What I mean is especially in the modern era we're all consuming media 24/7.

This is true. Poor Japan, you used to be so good at this.

My mission was to rile people up and give me the attention I crave. Resounding success IMO

Cause kids want to feel like adults. And adults want to feel like kids! Yay cycles!

It's cause kids are the only age group going to the movies en masse these days. More and more adults are staying home, watching Netflix, commenting on dumb message boards.

The AV Club etc.

Co-signed. It won't produce anything as weird as Louie or Girls or True Detective, but it also won't produce anything as offputting as Louie or Girls or True Detective.

Learning to bail on shows has been the most useful skill I've ever learned probably.

Every film industry is still going strong.

It's also like the Soviet Union the way it sent Joss Whedon to that horrifying ice prison.

Only the last one doesn't heavily rely on a huge writers room, but if we're expanding the topic to every show with a clear voice then yeah, great era for TV.

The VAs they get for their books are very good, def worth imitating.

The fact that you thought I was talking about Vaughn is further evidence Colin Farrell is an incredibly forgettable actor.
