NathanFords EvilTwin

Is this a hot take thread? The Wachowskis are our best living auteurs.

That's not what I'm talking about at all? I mean when critics all wind up saying, near unanimously, the same thing. Often because they see other critics saying it.

Same. I was like "this is ok!" after those first two, and then completely forgot about it lol.

Hell, I can date the concept back to Blackadder! And I'm sure some smartypants can date it back even further!

"Taking over what TV critics talk about because we all talk about the same things"

Counter hot take: Ryan Murphy actually is good.

That's fair. All I'm saying is your personal experience and anecdotes don't really hold up as sweeping generalizations. If you think what you see in film applies to the whole medium, you gotta expand your horizons.

Plus you get complete stories that can be plotted properly and won't be cut short from cancellation.

Down with media narratives in general IMO.

Down with media narratives in general IMO.

"Freak Show, the most recent AHS installment, was its least critically successful, and with the exception of Asylum, AHS’ second season, the show has grown less effective with each new season."

TV audiences aren't cynical? Have you read the comments on this site? And it's not like there aren't cynical shows too, I mean I'd hardly call True Detective or American Horror Story (the shows actually being discussed here) rays of optimism. If you mean cynical from a development perspective, just look at the

The film industry is cynical? I cannot remember the last film I saw in English that didn't have a happy ending. It's weird to think anyone can all the Marvel films, or Mission: Impossible, or Inside Out cynical.

This is obscene and needs to be stopped. They will waste every good actor in Canada at this rate.

Just start so many other shows you don't have time for it, works for me.

Ugh, first Echo Kellum, now this, it's like the show somehow knows I'm not coming back for next season and is throwing in every temptation possible. If they give Jane Levy or Beth Riesgraf a part I may actually crack.

Lol I'm always like the first person to say that actually sincerely, so that's how much I love this post


It'll be a long process. I have a feeling there will always be Gamergate like contingents that just want the lines to stay permanently drawn.

Haha yeah, even at it's worst this show sinks to a boring C- or D+. Classic Who ran the whole F to A spectrum.