NathanFords EvilTwin

And yours isn't? Of course editing a script is a form of co-writing. If he got a credit, that just means it was a bigger rewrite than normal. Look up the dev process behind some of Moffat's co-written scripts from series 8, they're in a similar position.

Everyone co-writes with Moffat, if he gets credit it's probably from some union thing than any indicator of quality or intent. And the reasoning behind episode numbers is simple: Harness had an idea for a two part story, Mathison only needs one part to tell his.

I thought JNT's rep was mostly stained by having the Doctor strangle Peri so he could be "cool" and "edgy". Yeah he presided over the great last two years, but Cartmel was mostly running the show then the way I understand it.

Jamie Mathison then, is that encouraging?

But what if it's NOT good? How will we cope?

I'm going to desperately spin the latter article into a positive by hoping that's the spark that finally makes Moffat step down. Even as much as I loved series 8, five years is just too long for an era of Who. Does he want a reputation as stained as John Nathan-Turner's, cause that's the road he's heading down.

Let's focus on the real news here: ew, Mark Gatiss is still writing episodes.

If you haven't checked out Batman: The Brave and the Bold, I think you'd like it. A whole series in service of silver age camp

It's not rigging, it's having absurdly passionate and easily mobilized fanbases.

I loved the season 3 premiere but after the following 5 episodes were meandering and boring I dropped the show. I also…didn't mind the second half of season 2, though it was a clear step down.

At least it deserved her for two seasons and one episode. But yeah, hope she gets better work soon.

Even after bailing on Revenge after two seasons, I'd jump on a Nolan spinoff in a heartbeat. Love that guy.

Ditto. Also, there's too much good TV to watch frankly.

Hawk and Chic!

Speak for yourself *does one of those skateboard flippy things into the arms of his very real girlfriend*

IDK, I'm pretty happy that my two favorite actors are also in love with each other. I wonder if they'll ever have an acting super child.

But how well does it synch up with the Wizard of Oz?

This is prime AV Club comment material right here.

I have a feeling that moment is still significant, and being held as a loaded gun for the right moment.

That's what I'd figured, glad it's ending on its own terms.