NathanFords EvilTwin

Yeah, Adventure Time has been running for ages and has killed off like three C-list characters, and it's probably the most bloodthirsty Cartoon Network show. No way is SU killing off as major a character as Greg.

Greg has always been and will always be my favorite secondary SU character.

The AV Club
"I know every continuity error on television"

Just making sure you don't think this applies to all live action shows.

Just as planned.

Thank you!!!

Give it another season and you may even grow fond of it, who knows?

Ain't that just the way.

I remember reading ~somewhere~ (so yeah, take this with a grain of salt) that Hirsch started the show with a three season plan, but after season one decided to condense the latter two season arcs in case there wasn't a renewal. It'd make sense if this was the original planned season 2 finale, with 9 more episodes to

And it's leading to record ratings for both channels, which makes me so happy. Creativity rules.

Ah, I should've watched more! But that's the best spoiler I could have gotten.

Yeah, it's nice to be on the ground floor of a great comedy instead of discovering it later, after it's already been cruelly canceled. I feel the same way about Fresh Off the Boat, though it's a notch below what I've seen so far of UKS.

Jewel Staite was on a Canadian show for a while about actors that I think is dead? No idea past that.

Ha, great minds think alike. Yeah, this is exactly filling that great fish out of water + unrelentingly optimistic protagonist groove I love.

This show gave me something I never knew I wanted but now realize was always missing my entire life: An Enchanted TV series. Sure, the downside is there's no musical numbers*, but upshot, no forced romance plots! And there's still time for some musical numbers in season 2, come on Netflix!

Speak for yourself.

Definitely a good starting point.

Ok, but if nothing happens and it's just six episodes of a blank screen I'm expecting a pretty big payday.

The way she emphasized CRYSTAL gems was badass, but Peridot's unimpressed reaction got me thinking. I love the idea that it's some dorky name they bequethed upon themselves when they decided to protect Earth.

I laughed hard at Steven wondering what a familiar was after three and a half books.