
I’m parked next to a Model 3 right now. The panel gaps seem fine. It’s not like the early Model Ss were.

Im gonna say something controversial here. The Pontiac Aztek was neither a bad car or ugly car. Unsuccessfull, yes but its styling was ahead of it’s time (you can't call it "blah" unlike nearly ever crossover and SUV today) and it had many qualities about it that would be “cool” and “hip” today (a freaking tent AND

I have lurked on Jalopnik for years. This is the first comment that has lured me in to account ownership. You are wrong.

The stock is up $38.58 (at this minute today). I’d say that’s a pretty big showing of confidence.

somewhat of a feature?

I got to drive one of these a few months ago. I initially had mixed feelings about the fact that there’s hardly ANYTHING in the interior other than the big screen. And everything else has been hidden: The AC vents are hidden for example. But at the end of the day I think the statement it makes is that with this car,

making you pay more at the pump and putting american automakers behind their foreign counterparts to own the libs

It should be noted that Montana Skeptic is one of the trolls that caused Dan Niel to delete his twitter. He even gloated about it.

1st Gear

Can they just ship the damn electric one? 

Well, except, that’s not really true, at all. Waste sites can be several states away from the actual power plants they serve and those rail cars pollute the ENTIRE way to the places...

Heavy equipment and transport trucks should have a MORE strict testing procedure. They operate for much more time and mileage than passenger vehicles and they are under load constantly to keep the weight moving forward. The engines themselves need to create more power (read more pollutants) just to keep the rig at a

Sandy Munro don’t want to be no pedo.

In the US we do not punish people for the “sins of their fathers”.

it’s only under steering because they put a huge tire in back.  if it where 265/265 front and rear it’d probably be much more balanced.  they only mentioned it didn’t have adjustable front camber and not what it was from the factory, but my car really benefited from 2° of front camber on track.  this might too.

Here is the version.

Tesla does in fact have a conventional liquid coolant system, I’ve worked on it. They also have a refrigerant system to run the cars air conditioning. Tesla employs radiators, electric fans, coolant pumps and heat exchangers to manage their cooling system. All of the devices in the Tesla including the battery are

As long as its installed correctly according to code, and no permit was needed, it doesn’t matter who installed it. And no inspector would ask that question... unless it was installed poorly.

I’ll just roll my 97 month truck loan into a 30 year home equity line of credit for a prius, because I have no middle ground or financial sense.