
Here’s a forum post on the Tesla forums from 2013 talking about the $2500 deposit. As far as I know, the $2500 deposit thing has been Tesla policy since inception (or at least since the Model S went on sale, I’m not sure about the original Roadster).

This isn’t new. They’ve always required $2500 to convert your reservation into a configured order.

WTF? This was confusing as hell. I think you’ve got some numbers wrong and stuff. Maybe give it a once-over and try it again?

If only there were some sort of market-opening agreement with South Korea and Japan. We’ll call it the Over Ocean Teamup or something........

Care to explain why I should believe anything you say when you write this

God that is cheap petrol. We’re currently sitting at about £1.30 a litre unleaded. That’s about £4.95 a gallon, at current exchange rates $6.55.

Driving my Volt, I appreciate the quietness (outside of the slight whine produced by the motors). I’m not sure why I’d want to have my electric car make noise.

probably because one has 73% of the BEV market share for May 2018 and the other is at 9% (Source note: the chart lists all electric drive vehicles rather than just pure electrics, including hybrids and plugin hybrids, after going through all the BEV numbers the total BEV cars were 12650, Tesla sold 9220, and GM sold

What lol. More than half the population lives in cities. So if we’re going by hard numbers, most of of us don’t live in the country side.

$1 million? What’s that do, pay for a weeks rent?

Chevy Bolt: a long range EV for people who don’t want to drive long distances.

The victim blaming in the first article’s comments is disgusting.

I don’t own a Tesla nor am I all that interested in owning one but this was clearly written by someone who hasn’t driven one. I drove my friend’s Model 3 just yesterday to lunch and somehow made it there and back without killing anyone.

But the price for those (now domestic) goods goes up, because they’re still more expensive to produce here. Since the manufacturing capacity doesn’t already exist here, demand outstrips supply, and the prices climb even more. Money doesn’t grow on trees, so people can afford less goods and the standard of living

Wait, so you say it’s impossible to make, which means Musk won’t make the milestones, which means he won’t get the pay, which means the company will have more money to give to shareholders.

An alternate perspective in the interest of sanity:

I follow their production numbers closely because I just took delivery. I don’t have any position in their stock. Based on VIN assignments, including my own, they’re going to deliver under 10k cars in Q1, or about 750 per week. They will probably trot out an extrapolated run rate for the last few days like they did

I can solve that one easily for them.