
I’m not sure if you are being serious or sarcastic, but real wages for average workers haven’t changed much for the last 50 years.

“Wants something he can drive more than fix”

Can’t these arguments be made about every phone and most apps also?

Nah, the refill time just isn’t an issue. Once you own an EV you realize it’s pretty rare that you need to fast charge it. Not everyone will be convinced of that, of course, so PHEV’s will continue to be popular.

As long as we also end corn subsidies, funding to the Middle East to stabilize oil production, and tax breaks for oil companies I’m ok with this too.

The answer to your question is yes, believe it or not, sometimes issues overlap into multiple categories. And you are correct. Everyone is within their right to be an asshole, none of any of this is about rights. His actions (rights he’s using) have reactions (people who disagree with him may want to know his opinions

Let me fix that for you:

yep- RWD, carbon fiber shell, instant torque, super quick in real world driving, funky doors and hatchback should check all the the “jalop” boxes. My i3 almost even looks brown.

Is that better?

Ummmm.... ...over 80,000 miles above Earth. 

Wool is better than leather if you want true luxury. The only reason not to have wool is if you expect to have a messy car, from kids, offroading, etc.

Newsflash... Nobody can get any of the models at launch. Unless you are in the first few thousand reservations you aren’t going to even see a build order until November. At that point you can complain, but all variants with the exception of the AWD will probably be available.

I wish my car would drive itself in traffic.
—a vast number of car enthusiasts.

Compared to when, because I believe we did. 300 miles range for an EV that doesn’t cost a million dollars is a reality, and this happened during the current decade.

I don’t know that this article establishes clearly:

Does the Bolt have autopilot? Does it have the equivalent of Tesla’s supercharging network? Does it get constant OTA updates that are not only whimsical, but also materially improve the product? Does Chevy make solar panels or tiles? Does Chevy make energy storage products, for their home or their cars? What the fuck

As a person who votes against their own self-interest routinely, this article makes me irrationally angry. The liberal media (any news outlet who uses cogent reasoning to disprove a white American’s misplaced anger) was never this harsh to Obama. You are still upset about Hillary’s loss. Excuse me while I finish

Speaking of old computers I finished building this the other day.

You are making the assumption that EV buyers are purely utilitarian. The people who choose the Model 3 over the Bolt will do so for the same reason that people buy gas-guzzling hot hatches (such as the Fiesta and Focus ST) and more expensive entry-level luxury sedans (such as the Audi A3 and Mercedes CLA) over more