
both of his terms

141 character launch code.

“It should be interesting to see what all of those voters in the Rust Belt states have to say about this.”

omg can you imagine if there’s another cold war and they blame a Jalopnik sub-blog for it

Nothing. Hes talking about nothing and this means nothing. Hes speaking to his base specifically so they can eat it up. Stuff like this makes him seem presidential to them but he really isn’t. This is like your shitty boss saying “ we’re going to start a committee to review your lunch breaks so you can get what you

It’s also important to remember that the “80 mile” figure won’t take into account worse case scenarios like cold weather and the attendant cabin and battery heating, where energy use can be 2 or 3X normal. A nominal 80 mile range may drop to 40 or less in the winter.

I mean, in 2011 when the Leaf was announced, that

Also, it’s possible that people don’t understand that Tesla doesn’t use hub motors.

What are some regulations you consider to be “insane?”

We’re actually having a great traffic month if anyone is curious.

I liked it when Jalopnik was about cars and there weren’t fascists running America. I guess neither of us gets to have it our way.

the clerks at car parts store can provide great firsthand advice

What is Ford’s fault, though, is an abysmal 3.3kW maximum charge rate, which led to the long time charging (and perhaps, high cost) at the ChargePoint charger.

I really didn’t like the first shots of the Mustang design that were posted a few days ago but the cover photo in that colour and that angle looks sweeeeet. I think this design is going to look better in darker colours.

I’m not sure what all the sturm und drang is about here. Echo/Alexa is an Amazon product that, among other things like streaming music and answering questions about life, the universe, and everything, also allows you to buy stuff from Amazon. That’s one of the reasons people like it.

1st gear: Welp, some one has to make this hot take so... *cracks knuckles*

I don’t think America has any right to criticize another country’s voting results right now. Unless you’re into homunculi of bad choices and used merkins.

Have in common with the outgoing team? No, the Republicans set a record number of filibusters and said from the get go they did not want him to succeed. They questioned his citizenship, called him a Socialist, Islamic, and yelled that he is a liar during his State of the Union Speech, and shut-down the government.

Oil rigs in the North Sea will regularly enough record wind speeds over 120 knots, it’s designed for and all the standards come from Europe so they factor that level of wind in and include requirements for full FE and CFD modelling at design. The waves we model for as well also have a much higher incident of rogue

Everyone should have the right to drive.