
“Enough of the Kristallnacht jokes, we just want the details on the latest Volkswagen prototype!”

Der Jelopnik comments section, 1938.

We’re going to build this big, beautiful FA blog, and we’ll make Univision pay for it.

That’s about the last thing he would do. He has been talking about adding more protectionist trading laws that would effectively be similar to the chicken tax, but apply to all non-US made vehicles.

The Obama coalition stayed home. We were down over 200k votes in WI and MI. So. This is a nightmare of unrivaled proportions. And it wasn’t just brought to you by white supremacists. It was brought to you by the young voters who didn’t show, the POC who didn’t show, all of the ones who didn’t show. Hillary failed to

NP. Sure. Fuck it. Nothing matters

No, adding additional structure for crash tests added weight.

Just to point this out:
Safety regulations didn’t make cars big and heavy. Customers did. Customers wanted bigger, more spacious cars, so they got bigger, more spacious cars. That’s the whole reason why manufacturers came up with “subcompact” cars like the Yaris, Fit, Versa, and Fiesta that are the same size as

It definitely looks good, but to be honest if you took off the VW badge, I would’ve easily thought this was a new Ford Explorer. The interior is pretty close too.

Sorry Tom, but you gotta pick the right car for a person. She isn’t a Maserati driver, definitely won’t put up with an Aston’s quirks. She probably would love a Mercedes Cabriolet, but she would be much happier in an ELR.  

I thought the ATS recommendation was perfect, but you’ve done it one better.

This. Almost all my friends here in L.A. have EV’s now — yes, really — and they all get around with PlugShare or charging at work just fine. Much as I like Collins’ posts, this one is basically an EV noob’s somewhat understandable frustration after not having researched how to drive an EV beforehand. You kinda have to

What you needed was the PlugShare app. It shows all the chargers, irrespective of network (you can set it to only show the networks and charger types that you are interested in) and includes user comments, so you can see the real state of a charger (is it working, is is blocked by a gate or valet parking, etc.)

I’ve just had it with the never-ending false equivalencies. You have Trump telling people in swing states to be “vigilant at the polls” and to “watch out for voting fraud”, and jackasses like dude here wanna throw up a pic of two homeless lookin idiots who, at the direction of nobody in particular (especially Barack

You still have an immense amount of brand competition.

And yet, Ford took how much from taxpayers during the recession in comparison to every other “American” car maker?

Here’s the biggest issue with the title: They took “non-exhaust” emissions from 5 studies. For tires/brakes/road they had several values to average, but the range could be on the order of 4x for any given item. For “resuspension” they use the one and only number available to them...which is also at least 4 times

Not so fast, more exercise = more calories. How much emissions did you put out in the world getting the food to you? Delivery trucks, A/C and power in the store from the coal power plant, refrigeration, farm equipment, feeding the cows, watering the vegetables. The wear on your shoes. I wonder what the emissions of

Actually, the greenhouse gasses got taken out. We’re putting them back.